Faculty Information
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Faculty Handbook 2024-2025
The Faculty Handbook provides information for all Palm Beach State College Faculty.
Download Faculty Handbook in PDF format
The Faculty Handbook includes information on the following topics:
- Introduction
- General Information - Strategic Plan, Vision, Mission & Values
- Academic Calendars
- Student Issues or Concerns
- Syllabus Information
- Before Classes Begin
- Attendance Reporting
- While Classes are in Progress
- Mid-Term Grading
- Instructional Materials
- As Classes End
- Resources for New Faculty & Program Instructors
- PBSC Online
- Academic Issues & Procedures
- Campus Information
Questions? Please email Cyndi C. Demitruk
A Palm Beach State employee can be designated as a class/facility scheduler with approval of the campus provost and the VPAA.
1. Associate dean completes the form requesting security access: PantherNet Security Access for Class Scheduling and Campus Scheduling form (Pending Workday Information)
2. If the person is approved for scheduling/facility access, the Registrar's office will make all needed changes, including:
a. Updating the person's security group
b. Adding them to class update authorization
c. Adding them to facility access.
All questions regarding scheduling and facility access should be directed to the Registrar's office.
Request for Advancement in Rank - Coursework or degree in-field - request advancement in rank using courses or a degree that is within the faculty member's assigned area of specialization.
Request for Advancement in Rank - Coursework or degree outside the area of specialization - request advancement in rank using courses or a degree that is outside of the faculty member's assigned area of specialization.
If you have any questions, please contact Academic Affairs at 561-868-3474.
The Higher Education Act requires that institutions that participate in federal student aid programs report data on enrollments, program completions, graduation rates, faculty and staff, finances, institutional prices, and student financial aid. These data are made available to students and parents through the NCES College Navigator college search Web site.
Palm Beach State College's information on student retention and completion are available online.
Students never attended any classes
Students never attended a class and has made no contact with the instructor
During the first two weeks of class (or less if that is faculty policy), student never
attends and classes (in an internet class - no email, no Canvas login).
Faculty/Instructor Response
WN (will automatically change to "FN" on student's 3rd attempt) Credit (A/F)
WN (will automatically change to "FN" on student's 3rd attempt) CCP/Prep (A/N)
WN (will automatically change to "FN" on student's 3rd attempt) Credit (S/U)
Student stops attending within the first 65% of the class
As the faculty member defines nonattendance and the subsequent grade as stated in
their syllabus.
Student stops attending from the second week up the withdrawal period (65% of class
meeting days).
Faculty/Instructor Response
WX or FX - Credit (A/F)
WX or NX - CCP/Prep (A/N)
WX or UX - Credit (S/U)
Depending on the faculty attendance and grading policies as stated on the syllabus. The last date of attendance is the last date the students attended class or made contact with the instructor.
Student stops attending after the withdrawal period has expired.
As the faculty member defines nonattendance and the subsequent grade as stated in
their syllabus.
Student stops attending after the withdrawal period has expired.
Faculty/Instructor Response
F, FX or I - Credit (A/F)
N, NX or I - CCP/Prep (A/N)
WX or UX - Credit (S/U)
Depending on faculty attendance and grading policies as stated in the syllabus, issue the appropriate grade.
1. Provide any additional information Human Resources may need to process faculty member/instructor.
2. Email faculty member/instructor on accessing Palm Beach State College email.
3. Provide textbooks (preferably sent to the faculty member/instructor's home).
4. Email faculty member/instructor their teaching assignments for the upcoming term
5. Monitor that the faculty member/instructor has created a faculty web page, created and uploaded compliant syllabi, and certified the textbooks they use.
6. Assign the faculty member/instructor an office and ensure office has furnishings and is clean.
7. Work with IT on a computer, either using the computer of the faculty member they replaced or securing a new computer (faculty can choose desktop or laptop).
8. Work with IT on a telephone line and phone number for the faculty member.
9. Process paperwork on key requests (door key and desk/cabinet keys).
10. Provide the faculty member with a mailbox in the department office area/workroom.
11. Provide information on obtaining a parking sticker.
12. Request electronic copies of syllabi for the semester
13. Obtain copy of faculty/instructor schedule including office hours, lunch breaks, college business, teaching - total must be 35 hours - enter data into PantherNet and post on faculty door. Office Hours Templates
14. Process IRM (Instructor Resource Management) contracts for all classes (pre & final contracts). Copy of final contract is sent to HR.
During the Term
1. Ensure that faculty/instructors are accessing rosters and checking that all students in class are on the roll.
2. Remind faculty/instructors on mid-term grading procedures.
3. Remind faculty/instructors on student assessment procedures.
4. Remind faculty/instructors to post syllabi for the next term by published deadlines.
As the Term Ends
1. Remind faculty/instructors on grading procedures
2. Check grading reports for "I" and "L" grades - follow-up with faculty/instructor.
3. Obtain copy of grade book for filing (should include grades for all assignments) using End-of-Term Check Out Sheet
1. Purpose: Compliance with the SACSCOC Substantive Change Policy and Procedures.
2. Policy: No employee of Palm Beach State College will implement any change to a College Program, College Campus, College Campus Offerings, Off-site Location, District Board of Trustees Policy or Program Delivery Method that might create a substantive change without a Substantive Change Review.
3. Process for Submission: Faculty and/or staff must submit one of three forms for assessment and/or approval as outlined in the Academic Management Manual Section G: Academic Affairs Policies & Procedures.
4. Process for Review: The Substantive Change Assessment Form and the Campus Off-Site Course Approval Form will be reviewed by the SACSCOC Liaison and appropriate College Leadership depending on the type of change proposed (Institutional, Program &/or Off-site). Reviews may include DBOT, President Cabinet, Vice President of Academic Affairs, the Dean of Curriculum, the Dean’s Council, the Director of Institutional Research & Effectiveness and/or Director of Assessment. The PBSC accreditation liaison may also consult with the SACSCOC institutional representative, and other appropriate staff to determine if the proposed change qualifies as a substantive change.
5. Process for Compliance Reporting: Substantive Change reporting obligations identified through the College’s review process will be coordinated by the College’s SACSCOC Liaison. The SACSCOC Liaison serves as the College’s point of contact for Commission staff. All PBSC staff inquiries about SACSCOC Substantive Change Policies and Procedures, The Principles of Accreditation or other accreditation policies and processes are routed through PBSC’s Accreditation Liaison, who will contact Commission staff if necessary.
Note: The type and scope of a substantive change reporting obligation identified by these reviews may impact implementation timelines. No changes may be implemented without the appropriate SACSCOC compliance reporting and approvals.
All pending changes must adhere to SACSCOC’s Advertising and Student Recruitment Policy Statement
Please refer to Section G: Academic Affairs Policies & Procedures of the Academic Management Manual for further information.
Press Enter to add more contentWorkday Faculty Dashboard - PBSC Academic Team has developed a convenient Faculty Dashboard where all faculty reports and tasks are in one place. Please go to Workday Student Training for Faculty for videos, job aids, and a video Workday Student - Basics.
- Accessing the Workday Faculty Dashboard - You will see the dashboard on your Workday Home Page once you sign into Workday here:
Workday Signon. Faculty will see several tabs with Workday information. Click on the tabs to see the
reports under each area.
If You Are Completely New to Workday you will find basic Workday concepts, job aids and videos on this page. The job aids and videos below assume some basic familiarity with Workday.
Faculty must perform three functions in Workday: Verify Participation (Attendance), Withdraw Students, Grade Course Sections. Visit Workday Student Training for Faculty for these required job aids and more on Workday Student.
- Priority Posting the Syllabus - Your first priority is to upload your syllabus for the upcoming term according to the Syllabus Posting Deadlines. PBSC has adopted Simple Syllabus; a centralized, template-driven platform that enables instructors to quickly personalize
and publish interactive class syllabi.
- Posting Deadlines - Syllabus Posting Deadlines, we will monitor compliance and report back to Deans, Associate Deans, Directors
and Department Chairs.
- These guidelines apply to both Full-Time and Adjunct Faculty.
The League for Innovation, funded through a National Science Foundation grant, has produced a set of six modules on improving teaching skills.
From the website:
Welcome & Overview to Getting Results. Whether you're a new or experienced teacher, you have a chance to make an impact
on the future of the country. How can you be as effective as possible? This multimedia
resource for community college faculty will challenge your previous thinking about
teaching and learning and give you the basic tools for effective classroom practice.
The key theme of the course is to encourage you to focus on what the students will
do and take responsibility for their success. Teachers know their content and they
know how to explain. These are valuable skills. But teachers have to become experts
at tapping into their students' knowledge base and how they learn.
Below are the links to the website and each of the six modules:
Getting Results: A Professional Development Course for Community College Educators
College Level Academic Skills CLAS Policies
Florida Statute 1007.25
Effective July 1, 2011, College Level Academic Skills (CLAS) requirements were eliminated from section 1007.25, Florida Statutes. The following policies govern the status of CLAS in granting of the Associate in Arts and Bachelor of Applied Science Degrees at Palm Beach State College.
- For students completing an AA or BAS degree on or after July 1, 2011: No CLAS requirement is in effect or will be assessed.
- For students who completed AA or BAS degree requirements between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011 (except CLAS): All students will be granted a waiver of CLAS through the College Registrar and Graduation office. The student does not need to initiate this process as it will occur automatically as long as they have a graduation application on file.
- For students who completed AA degree requirements (except CLAS) on or before June 29, 2010: These students will be checked against a national database to see if the student has completed a bachelor's or associate in arts degree. This is to avoid degree duplication.
A. If the student has completed such a degree, the student will not be granted an AA degree. This is to avoid degree duplication.
B. If the student has not completed a bachelor's or AA degree, the student's graduation will be processed through the Graduation office as long has the student as a graduation application on file. The student does not need to initiate this process as it will occur automatically.
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