Workday Student Training for Faculty
Your Palm Beach State College academic team has developed a convenient Workday Faculty Dashboard where all faculty reports and tasks are gathered in one place. You will see this dashboard on your Workday Home Page once you sign into Workday here: Workday Signon
Note: Workday Training materials and videos are only accessible to PBSC faculty, staff and students. You will be prompted to login using your credentials.
We recommend you do not print the Job Aids as business processes may change. For up-to-date resources, please bookmark this page to reference the most current process.
Learning Plan
We have a Learning Plan set up for you below - this is your best pathway to get you familiar with Workday Student and the functions you need to do as a faculty member.
The training materials are presented two ways: videos and job aids. The videos are demonstrations of the tasks and reports you can run in Workday, and the job aids are written instructions on each of the tasks.
Let's get started! Here is a suggested pathway for you to take based on where we are in the semester. Not all things are available for you at the beginning of the semester - for example, course sections are not available for grading. The availability of verifying attendance, withdrawing students from course sections, and grading course sections are controlled by dates entered by the Registrar's office.
If You Are Completely New to Workday
If you are a new college employee, you will find more basic Workday concepts, job aids and videos on this page. The job aids and videos below assume some basic familiarity with Workday.
Faculty must perform three functions in Workday:
- Verify Participation (Attendance)
- Withdraw Students
- Grade Course Sections
Verify Participation (Attendance) - The College Registrar will send emails when faculty must verify participation (attendance) for their course sections based on Academic Period. There is a Job Aid and Video on how to do this below.
Withdraw Students - If you enforce attendance policies in your course section, you may withdraw students from course sections. There is a Job Aid and Video on how to do this below.
Grade Course Sections - All faculty who are the primary instructor on a course must grade course sections by the deadline as published by the Registrar's office. There is a Job Aid and Video on how to do this below. There is also a report you can run to see the grades you have submitted, or save it as a PDF.
All other Job Aids and Videos listed below are to show you how to run reports in Workday. These are optional and are there for your convenience.
At the Beginning of the Semester
You can start your learning with the Workday Faculty Dashboard overview video. You can run reports that list the courses to which you are assigned, look at your course rosters, or email your students (contacting students through Canvas is preferred). The first task you will complete in Workday is Attendance Verification. This is a very important process. The College Registrar will communicate the deadline date for you to verify attendance for each academic period.
During the Semester
As the semester progresses, you may continue to run reports on your students, such as listing students who have withdrawn from your classes. In Workday, students who have withdrawn or been withdrawn will no longer be shown on your course section roster. To see those students, run the View Course Sections Withdrawal report.
As the Semester Ends
As each Academic Period ends, faculty will enter grades for their assigned classes. Only the primary instructor assigns course section grades.
If you need help, please file a service request at the Service Desk
Note: Workday Training materials and videos are only accessible to PBSC faculty, staff and students. You will be prompted to login using your credentials.
Faculty Videos:
(Remember to click the speaker icon in Kaltura to hear sound.)
- Overview of the Faculty Dashboard
- View My Course Section Schedule
- View Course Section Roster with Contact Information
- View Course Section Roster with Student Name and ID Only
- List Course Section Registrations
- Email Roster Report
- View Course Section Withdrawals
- View My Graded Course Section Rosters
- Verify Participation (Required Function)
- Grade My Course Sections (Required Function)
Faculty Job Aids:
Job Aids are instructional worksheets to assist Faculty and Staff perform the more common tasks within Workday.
PDF: View My Course Section Schedule
PDF: View My Course Section Roster with Contact Information
PDF: Verify Participation for My Course Section (Required Function)
PDF: Withdraw Students from My Course Section (Required Function)
PDF: Grade My Course Sections (Required Function)