Incomplete Grade Documentation Process
The purpose of Incomplete Grade process is to provide the associate dean’s office with information about how a student is to complete an Incomplete (I) grade.
There have been several situations where a student returned to the college to complete the necessary assignments to complete course requirements in association with the “I” grade. However, in each case, the instructor was not available; the student could not be guided towards successful completion of the required course assignments.
The completed Incomplete Grade form and accompanying documentation will reside with the faculty member and the associate dean’s office. The department chair should also keep a copy for incomplete grades issued by adjunct instructors.
The form is not intended for use by the registrar or the dean of student services; it is an internal form within each associate dean’s office. It is still the faculty member’s responsibility to grade the materials once they are submitted by the student using an official Grade Change form.
The purpose of the form is not to give permission to the faculty member to issue an “I” grade. The associate dean signs the form to assure both faculty and student that s/he is aware of the agreed arrangement, and will support that arrangement in any way needed.