Faculty Information on Transfer Agreements
How can I initiate a transfer agreement for my program?
The process begins with submission of the Proposed Articulation/MOU Information Sheet to your cluster chair. The Faculty & Staff Guidelines for Developing Articulation (Transfer) Agreements, published in the PBSC Academic Management Manual (Section G), details the steps involved in creating such agreements.
How are transfer agreements publicized?
When each articulation agreement is signed, College Relations and Marketing will issue a press release about the agreement. Academic Services will update the articulation website and prepare a transfer sheet for student use detailing the course work needed at Palm Beach State to fulfill the agreement. The agreement will also be featured in the college website and student service advisors and counselors will be made aware of the new agreement.
Documents to Download:
- List of Current Articulation Agreements
- Faculty & Staff Guidelines for Developing Articulation (Transfer) Agreements
- Articulation Agreement Template
- Proposed Articulation/MOU Information Sheet