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Prior Learning Assessment

Palm Beach State College has many opportunities for you to earn course credits or course hours for prior learning.  One way to obtain credit or clock hours for prior learning is by having your transcript sent to Palm Beach State College for evaluation. This type of transfer credit is managed through the Admissions office in Student Services. The other way is through the prior learning process. Please read through each of the descriptions below to see if any of these might apply to you and your educational program.

Advanced Placement of Apprenticeship Students enrolled in Palm Beach State apprenticeship programs may be advance placed into the curriculum by being awarded courses in which they have been evaluated as meeting the competencies of the course.

Career Pathways Articulation from the School District of Palm Beach County
Palm Beach State College has an agreement with the School District of Palm Beach County to accept certain combinations of course work taken at the high school along with an assessment to qualify for awarding of college credits.

Challenge Exams
Palm Beach State College has identified certain courses within the curriculum as being eligible for earned credit or clock hours through a challenge examination. If the student achieves a passing score on the examination, credit or clock hours will be awarded to the student's transcript.

CLEP (College Level Examination Program) is available at the Belle Glade, Boca Raton, Lake Worth and Palm Beach Gardens campuses. CLEP is a series of examinations that allow individuals to earn college credit for what they know, regardless of where they gained the knowledge. CLEP is the most widely accepted credit-by-examination program in the United States.

Online Course Equivalency
Students may wish to have online courses they have taken through massive online open courses or other such modalities assessed for their potential to earn credit.  

Palm Beach State College Course Equivalency
This is a process for granting college credit or clock hours for previously earned credit or CCPcourse work towards an award at Palm Beach State College.  It can be toward a CCPor credit certificate or an AA or AS degree. Also, students who have taken and passes courses in certain CCP Programs at Palm Beach State may apply for credit toward an associate degree by following this process. Program Specific Course Equivalencies There are many Course Equivalency forms tailored for specific programs at the College.  Find out the processes and the basic eligibility for qualifying to use them.

Prior Learning Portfolio
Palm Beach State College has developed a portfolio-based system of demonstrating that a student has achieved the course outcomes for credit and CCPcourses. This process involves a written portfolio which is prepared under the guidance of a program instructor or faculty member.


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