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Online Course Equivalency

Palm Beach State College developed this policy for compliance with FS 1004.0961, Rule 6A-14.0403 and 6A-10.024(7).

The Board Policy number is 6Hx-18.2.14, under Academic Affairs.


Student Responsibility for Initiating the Online Course Equivalency Process
The student is responsible for initiating a process prior to the first term of enrollment to have online courses evaluated for equivalency to a Palm Beach State College. Such courses must be found in a program of study offered by the college.


Student Completes Form
The process is initiated by the student by completing the Online Course Equivalency Form and providing documentation of the equivalency of course learning outcomes between the online course the student took and the Palm Beach State College course for which the student wishes to receive credit. The documentation provided by the student must also provide evidence of mastery of the student learning outcomes and that the faculty who taught the course had equivalent credentials to teach the course as would be required for a Palm Beach State College faculty member. Examples of documentation would include (but not be limited to) examination grades, completed projects, and academic term papers. This form is submitted to the Dean of Curriculum. For faculty credentials, the student must provide the name of the instructor, their earned degrees and the major, and other professional experience such as work in the industry that would qualify them to teach.

Review by Dean of Curriculum and Educational Technology
Evidence provided by the student will be reviewed by the Dean of Curriculum to ensure required documentation is attached, the form is complete, the requested course is in the student’s intended program of study and the faculty who taught the course had equivalent credentials to a Palm Beach State College faculty member. The Dean will determine if the course meets a general education, a major course or an elective requirement.

Faculty Review
The faculty member who reviews the form and documentation provided by the student will determine if the online course content and learning outcomes are comparable to a course offered at Palm Beach State College, and that the online course meets the quality and accreditation standards intended for a transfer course. The faculty member will also determine if the student has mastered the course learning outcomes by earning the equivalency of a passing grade.

Equivalency Guidelines
The College follows equivalency course guidelines as stated by the American Council on Education in accordance with the Articulation Coordinating Committee as stated in Florida State Board Rule 6A-10.024(7) for awarding credits to students who have participated in accelerated mechanism exam programs. Credit for all exams is awarded based on the recommendation of the State of Florida Articulation Coordinating Committee.

Student Appeal Process
Should the student wish to appeal the decision of the faculty or dean, the student should forward a copy of the application form and all documentation to the Vice President of Academic Affairs. The decision of the Vice President of Academic Affairs is final.

Any credit awarded through this process will be added to the student’s transcript and a transcript note will be added noting awarding of credit through an online course.

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