Statute on Dual Enrollment Programs
The dual enrollment program is the enrollment of an eligible secondary student or
home education student in a postsecondary course creditable toward a career and technical
certificate or an associate or baccalaureate degree.
(2) For the purpose of this section, an eligible secondary student is a student who
is enrolled in a Florida public secondary school or in a Florida private secondary
school which is in compliance with s. 1002.42(2) and conducts a secondary curriculum
pursuant to s. 1003.43. Students enrolled in postsecondary instruction that is not
creditable toward the high school diploma shall not be classified as dual enrollments.
Students who are eligible for dual enrollment pursuant to this section shall be permitted
to enroll in dual enrollment courses conducted during school hours, after school hours,
and during the summer term. Instructional time for such enrollment may exceed 900
hours; however, the school district may only report the student for a maximum of 1.0
FTE, as provided in s. 1011.61(4). Any student so enrolled is exempt from the payment
of registration, tuition, and laboratory fees. Vocational-preparatory instruction,
college-preparatory instruction and other forms of precollegiate instruction, as well
as physical education courses that focus on the physical execution of a skill rather
than the intellectual attributes of the activity, are ineligible for inclusion in
the dual enrollment program. Recreation and leisure studies courses shall be evaluated
individually in the same manner as physical education courses for potential inclusion
in the program.
(3) The Department of Education shall adopt guidelines designed to achieve comparability
across school districts of both student qualifications and teacher qualifications
for dual enrollment courses. Student qualifications must demonstrate readiness for
college-level coursework if the student is to be enrolled in college courses. Student
qualifications must demonstrate readiness for career and technical-level coursework
if the student is to be enrolled in career and technical courses. In addition to the
common placement examination, student qualifications for enrollment in college credit
dual enrollment courses must include a 3.0 unweighted grade point average, and student
qualifications for enrollment in career and technical certificate dual enrollment
courses must include a 2.0 unweighted grade point average. Exceptions to the required
grade point averages may be granted if the educational entities agree and the terms
of the agreement are contained within the dual enrollment interinstitutional articulation
agreement. Community college boards of trustees may establish additional admissions
criteria, which shall be included in the district interinstitutional articulation
agreement developed according to s. 1007.235, to ensure student readiness for postsecondary
instruction. Additional requirements included in the agreement shall not arbitrarily
prohibit students who have demonstrated the ability to master advanced courses from
participating in dual enrollment courses. District school boards may not refuse to
enter into an agreement with a local community college if that community college has
the capacity to offer dual enrollment courses.
(4) Career and technical dual enrollment shall be provided as a curricular option
for secondary students to pursue in order to earn a series of elective credits toward
the high school diploma. However, career and technical dual enrollment shall not supplant
student acquisition of the diploma. Career and technical dual enrollment shall be
available for secondary students seeking a degree or certificate from a complete job-preparatory
program, but shall not sustain student enrollment in isolated career and technical
courses. It is the intent of the Legislature that career and technical dual enrollment
reflect the interests and aptitudes of the student. The provision of a comprehensive
academic and career and technical dual enrollment program within the area technical
center or community college is supportive of legislative intent; however, such provision
is not mandatory.
(5) Each district school board shall inform all secondary students of dual enrollment
as an educational option and mechanism for acceleration. Students shall be informed
of eligibility criteria, the option for taking dual enrollment courses beyond the
regular school year, and the 24 minimum academic credits required for graduation.
District school boards shall annually assess the demand for dual enrollment and other
advanced courses, and the district school board shall consider strategies and programs
to meet that demand.
(6) The Commissioner of Education shall appoint faculty committees representing public
school, community college, and university faculties to identify postsecondary courses
that meet the high school graduation requirements of s. 1003.43, and to establish
the number of postsecondary semester credit hours of instruction and equivalent high
school credits earned through dual enrollment pursuant to this section that are necessary
to meet high school graduation requirements. Such equivalencies shall be determined
solely on comparable course content and not on seat time traditionally allocated to
such courses in high school. The Commissioner of Education shall recommend to the
State Board of Education those courses identified to meet high school graduation requirements,
based on mastery of course outcomes, by their statewide course number, and all high
schools shall accept these postsecondary education courses toward meeting the requirements
of s. 1003.43.
(7) Early admission shall be a form of dual enrollment through which eligible secondary
students enroll in a postsecondary institution on a full-time basis in courses that
are creditable toward the high school diploma and the associate or baccalaureate degree.
Students enrolled pursuant to this subsection shall be exempt from the payment of
registration, tuition, and laboratory fees.
(8) Career and technical early admission is a form of career and technical dual enrollment
through which eligible secondary students enroll full time in an area technical center
or a community college in courses that are creditable toward the high school diploma
and the certificate or associate degree. Participation in the career and technical
early admission program shall be limited to students who have completed a minimum
of 6 semesters of full-time secondary enrollment, including studies undertaken in
the ninth grade. Students enrolled pursuant to this section are exempt from the payment
of registration, tuition, and laboratory fees.
(9) The State Board of Education shall adopt rules for any dual enrollment programs
involving requirements for high school graduation.
(10)(a) The dual enrollment program for home education students consists of the enrollment
of an eligible home education secondary student in a postsecondary course creditable
toward an associate degree, a career or technical certificate, or a baccalaureate
degree. To participate in the dual enrollment program, an eligible home education
secondary student must:
1. Provide proof of enrollment in a home education program pursuant to s. 1002.41.
2. Be responsible for his or her own instructional materials and transportation unless
provided for otherwise.
(b) Each technical center, community college, and state university shall:
1. Delineate courses and programs for dually enrolled home education students. Courses
and programs may be added, revised, or deleted at any time.
2. Identify eligibility criteria for home education student participation, not to
exceed those required of other dually enrolled students.
(11) The Department of Education shall approve any course for inclusion in the dual
enrollment program that is contained within the statewide course numbering system.
However, college-preparatory and other forms of precollegiate instruction, and physical
education and other courses that focus on the physical execution of a skill rather
than the intellectual attributes of the activity, may not be so approved, but must
be evaluated individually for potential inclusion in the dual enrollment program.
(12) The Department of Education shall develop a statement on transfer guarantees
which will inform students, prior to enrollment in a dual enrollment course, of the
potential for the dual enrollment course to articulate as an elective or a general
education course into a postsecondary education certificate or degree program. The
statement shall be provided to each district school superintendent, who shall include
the statement in the information provided to all secondary students as required pursuant
to this subsection. The statement may also include additional information, including,
but not limited to, dual enrollment options, guarantees, privileges, and responsibilities.
(13) It is the intent of the Legislature that students who meet the eligibility requirements
of this subsection and who choose to participate in dual enrollment programs be exempt
from the payment of registration, tuition, and laboratory fees.
(14) Instructional materials assigned for use within dual enrollment courses shall
be made available to dual enrollment students from Florida public high schools free
of charge. This subsection shall not be construed to prohibit a community college
from providing instructional materials at no cost to a home education student or student
from a private school. Students enrolled in postsecondary instruction not creditable
toward a high school diploma shall not be considered dual enrollments and shall be
required to assume the cost of instructional materials necessary for such instruction.
(15) Instructional materials purchased by a district school board or community college
board of trustees on behalf of dual enrollment students shall be the property of the
board against which the purchase is charged.
(16) School districts and community colleges must weigh college-level dual enrollment
courses the same as honors courses and advanced placement courses when grade point
averages are calculated. Alternative grade calculation or weighting systems that discriminate
against dual enrollment courses are prohibited.
(17) The Commissioner of Education may approve dual enrollment agreements for limited
course offerings that have statewide appeal. Such programs shall be limited to a single
site with multiple county participation.
History.--s. 357, ch. 2002-387.