Design and Media Choice Programs
High School Programs
Commercial Art
8718010 - Commercial Art 1
8718020 - Commercial Art 2
8718030 - Commercial Art 3
Communications Technology
8601010 - Communications Technology 1
8601020 - Communications Technology 2
8601030 - Communications Technology 3
Digital Design
8207310 - Introduction to Information Technology
8209510 - Digital Design 1
8209520 - Digital Design 2
Digital Media Technology/Multimedia Design
8207310 - Introduction to Information Technology
8207410 - New Media & Digital Imagining Fundamentals
8207420 - Digital Video & Sound Fundamentals
8207110 - Web Design 1
Web Development
8207310 - Introduction to Information Technology
9001110 - Foundations of Web Design
9001120 - User Interface Design
9001130 - Web Scripting Fundamentals
Course Qualification Table
See what college courses your high school CTE program* may qualify you for and what you need to complete.
*Minimum required completed CTE program courses listed to qualify for evaluation.
High School Programs | High School Program of Studies | Palm Beach State College Courses | Prior Learning Forms |
Commercial Art |
Prior Learning Form |
Communications Technology |
Prior Learning Form |
Digital Design |
Prior Learning Form |
Digital Media Technology Multimedia Design |
Prior Learning Form |
Web Development |
Prior Learning Form |
* You must complete the Palm Beach State prerequisite courses ART1201C and ART1300C before applying for the college course credit.
+ Obtain the needed cashier form from the Palm Beach State College program reviewer for any courses requiring a challenge exam or portfolio review for the course award.