Upward Bound (UB)
Get an early start on the path to college
Upward Bound at Palm Beach State College is a year-round college preparatory program that provides tutoring and other support to help students succeed academically in high school and prepare for success in college. Students typically are recruited in the 9th grade and are encouraged to remain in the program until they graduate high school. The U.S. Department of Education fully funds the programs.
The Upward Bound program serves high school students from low-income families, high school students from families where neither parent holds a bachelor's degree, and high school students with a high risk for academic failure. The goal is to increase the rate at which students complete secondary education and enroll in and graduate from postsecondary education institutions.

Upward Bound provides services during the academic year, the summer months and after high school graduation.
- SAT/ACT prep & activities
- Academic Advising
- Assistance with FAFSA & completing scholarship applications
- Assistance with applying for admission to a post-secondary institution
- Six-week summer program
- Education to Improve financial and economic literacy
- College & cultural tours
Do I Qualify?
To qualify for Upward Bound, students must meet at least one of the following criteria:
- Be a U.S. citizen/national or permanent resident of the United States.
- Be a first-generation college student (this means neither parent have a four-year college degree)
- Demonstrate a need for academic support
- Have parent/guardian whose income meets specific state guidelines
Apply to Program
Upward Bound at Palm Beach State is split into two programs, Upward Bound A & B, and is based on what high school you attend. Please select the appropriate program below to learn more and to apply.
Upward Bound A
Students in the following schools:
- John I. Leonard High School
- Palm Beach Lakes Community High School
Upward Bound B - Glades Region
Students in the following schools:
- Glades Central Community High School
- Pahokee High School
Upward Bound A includes two components:
Academic Component
- Virtual classes & tutoring are available the first and third Saturdays of the month from October - April from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- Subjects include reading, writing, study skills, math, science and other subjects
based upon students' needs, career goals and high school schedule.
Summer Academic Component
- Six-week summer component is held Monday through Friday starting the second week of June.
- During this time students attend virtual classes from 8:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. From 1:45 - 4:30 p.m., students participate in scheduled activities, including workshops with guest speakers and sporting events.
- Fridays are reserved for field project assignments.
- Students are expected to attend daily for the entire day.
- Students will have an opportunity to virtually explore college campuses of their choice.
Documents required:
- Copy of student’s Social Security card
- Copy of student’s birth certificate
- Copy of latest signed parent/guardian’s income
tax return - Copy of current student report card
- Completed counselor’s recommendation form.
Update/Change your Personal Information Form
Student, Parent(s), Guardian(s) use the update form to inform us on any changes to your personal information. Have questions or concerns, Upward Bound contact information is listed below.
Contact the Upward Bound A Team
Name | Title | Phone Number | |
Syla Alcin | Director | alcins@palmbeachstate.edu | 561-868-3072 |
Serette Cherestal | Post-Secondary Advisor | cherests@palmbeachstate.edu | 561-868-3071 |
Upward Bound B - Glades Region
Upward Bound B - Glades Region includes two components:
Academic Component
- Online Prep ACT study sessions
- Online SAT Prep study sessions
- Online goal setting activities
- Online social/emotional awareness activities
- Bi-weekly academic advising with participating students at Pahokee High School and Glades Central High School
Summer Academic Component
- Six-week summer program is held Monday - Thursday starting second week of June.
- Social and emotional awareness activities
- Financial Literacy & Financial Aid activities
- College admission
- Career readiness activities
- Study skills activities
- Summer trip
Things you will need for the application:
- Tax information: Taxable income (line 15) and family size.
- Student social security number for W9. (Note: Student information goes into the W9. Not parents/guardians.
- Parents/guardians highest education information.
Contact the Upward Bound B Team
Name | Title | Phone Number | |
Deidra Moreland | Director | moreland@palmbeachstate.edu | 561-993-1438 / 561-680-9588 |
Alyssa Sanchez | Post-Secondary Advisor | sancheza@palmbeachstate.edu | 561-993-1439 |
Rickeria Lendale | Administrative Assistant | lendaler@palmbeachstate.edu | 561-993-1024 / 561-680-9608 |