Crime Prevention & Fire Safety
Palm Beach State College has an excellent record of providing a safe and secure environment for students, personnel and visitors. Each individual should also take every precaution to be safe. Lack of vulnerability is the key.
Crime Prevention Tips
- Park your vehicle in a well-lit area and have your key in your hand.
- Don't Walk Alone. When walking to your car, use the buddy system.
- When approaching your car, use the "long view" angle to glance beneath the vehicle;
take a few seconds to look around; and before getting in, look in the front and back
- Once in your car, lock your doors immediately.
- If you are being followed, go to nearest area where there are other people or where
you can receive help or call Security.
- Don't wait until the next day to report suspicious or dangerous situations - report
them immediately.
- Be sure to always lock your car.
- Don't leave valuable items laying on the seat or floorboard.
- If you are in doubt - call campus Security.
Security will provide you with an escort to your car upon request.
Fire Safety Tips (from the State of Florida Fire Marshal)
- If fire strikes, get out and stay out. Wherever you are, follow directions or plans and go to the nearest exit.
- Install smoke detectors in your home. Be sure to test them once a month and replace batteries in the fall and spring.
- Have a fire extinguisher handy in your kitchen, sleeping area, garage, car and boat. Know where the nearest extinguisher is located.
- Make a fire escape plan. Draw a basic diagram of your home. Consider various fire scenarios and develop actions
for a safe escape. Make special plans for babies and toddlers who can't escape on
their own.
- Plan two exits from each room in your home. The first exit is usually a door, and second is usually a window. Map out escape
routes from all room exits to the outside.
- Establish a meeting place outside where everyone in the family will meet. Know where the safe assemble areas on the college are located.
- Know the fire emergency phone number is 911.
- Practice, practice, practice your fire escape plan with all members of your family
twice a year. Pretend some exits are blocked and find your meeting place.
- If your clothes catch fire, STOP, DROP, & ROLL! Adults and children should STOP, don't run. DROP to the ground. Cover your eyes and
face with your hands. ROLL, ROLL, ROLL your body. Practice this drill.
- Crawl low under smoke to reduce smoke inhalation and go to the nearest exit.
- Give portable heaters plenty of space and keep drapes, sheets and blankets away. Unplug the heater when you leave the room.
Call Security At: (561) 868-3600