ProfessorQualifications: Dr. Theo Owusu - Earned a Doctorateof Science in Information Systems and Communications.
MeetDr. Theo Owusu
Dr. Theo Owusu has a wealth ofexperience, spanning about decade and a half, in diverse spheres of Informationand Communication Technology. He earned his Master of Science and Doctor ofScience degrees from Robert Morris University in Internet Information Systemsand, Information Systems and Communications respectively. In addition, he ishighly qualified in Management Information Systems, Business InformationSystems, Information Security Systems, Information and Technology Applicationsin Management Decisions, Health Care Information Systems, Organization andTechnology of Information Systems, Entrepreneurial Innovation and Technology, StrategicInformation System Planning, Decision Support Systems, System Analysis Design,Database Management Systems, Intro to Computers and Computer Network Security,just to mention a few. He is known to be someone who goes the extra mile toperfect every task he has been assigned to. His bandwidth is incredible andkeeps growing daily because of his ability to question, and his dedication toseek information from the experts of diverse fields of study.
He served in manyteaching positions prior to and after earning his Doctor of Science degree inInformation Systems and Communications. His commitment to disseminatingknowledge is proven by his consistent involvement in various levels of highereducation. The exordium of his teaching career was – and still is –characterized by an interdisciplinary and intriguing approach to every topictreated. He is committed to make certain that every student he teaches orinteracts with gains an incredible wealth of knowledge that would inspire andnourish their minds. He believes that the fundamental goal of teaching is tofoster learning. Nevertheless, he is convinced that a student’s desire to learnis a vital pre-condition to effectively mastering new concepts, and new skills.He takes these two basic philosophies into consideration by creating anatmosphere that nurtures his students’ desires to learn and complements theirindividual learning styles. The fact that his students and peers describe himas dedicated, enthusiastic, approachable, resourceful, organized, innovativeand knowledgeable with a keen attitude towards helping others summarizes thelove he has for what he does.
Further, he spearheadsTechnology Advance Solutions Incorporated, which is aimed at resolving anyInformation Technology issues in business, designing and conducting usabilitytests for business, analyze Information Technology infrastructure to provide recommendationsfor improvement and so forth, by acting as the Director and Consultant. As a Director, he manages InformationTechnology specialists in performance and tasks duties as well as operating apayroll system. His consulters get astonished, by his wealth of knowledge andthe “teacher” in him, anytime they confer with him on issues regardingInformation and Communication Technology in their fields of expertise. He makescertain that every consulter is satisfied with his service. He also goes theextra mile to make sure Technology Advance Solutions provides the every servicerequested by clients.
Dr. Theo Owusu has been veryinterested in Information and Communication Technology in the Legal world. Theuse of Information and Communication Technology in the Legal world is unavoidable;however, the safety and management of data in this world of work has beencompromised due to increasing numbers of hackers and crackers who try to takeadvantage of leaks in the systems. He has been dedicated to managing data andstoring them safely. He served as the Senior Technology Specialist in one ofthe most reputable firms in international law for about a decade. During histime there, he trained lawyers on new programs, and specific circles inInformation and Communication Technology that would facilitate their work,provided on-call technical support and troubleshooting, etcetera. He earned thereputation of being knowledgeable about many fields in Information andCommunication Technology, efficient and on-time with his services.
Dr. Theo Owusu is a co-authorof the book Network Systems and Security, Principles and Practices. Additionally,he is also a co-author of the book Network Systems Management. Research drawshis attention because he believes it is prerequisite to innovation, professionalimprovement and bandwidth. He has been engaged in research for more than adecade and a half and has provided improvements in the field of Information andCommunication Technology in academia and law enormously. His research interestencompasses various sectors of Information Systems. However, he is currentlyworking on finding the answers to pertinent questions in the following areas:Management of Information Systems, the Legal Environment and Technologies,System Analysis and Design/Usability Studies and Testing, Data Management inLarge Organizations and Information Technology Training.
He has also been involved inmany activities outside the classroom. He has been involved in serving thehomeless and he is a member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporated. Manyeyebrows are raised anytime he confesses that he was a member of the RobertMorris University football team that won the NEC conference in 2000 and wasundefeated for the year.