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Student Life



Student Experience Statement

Palm Beach State College is a welcoming and empowering learning environment where personalized service matters and communities thrive to support student success.

We inspire hope, foster intellectual curiosity, and advance learning and skills through innovative programs that accelerate upward mobility and transform lives.

The student experience is one of connectedness, positive interactions, and engagement for all.

How to avoid disruptive Behavior in your online classes

Remember the Student Code of Conduct applies to your Virtual Learning Environment!

Respond to a question or participate in the discussion.

If you want to speak, physically raise your hand or use the “raise hand” feature if one is available. Interrupting can be considered disruptive behavior if it happens more than once

Beware of distractions in your background.

Be sure that there is nothing visually distracting in the background. This also applies to noise distractions. Your pet or your child playing will be a distraction to others, as will unusual artwork, music or TV playing, or movement of others in the room with you. Consider removing these distractions and using a virtual background if the platform offers this option. Ongoing distractions may be considered disruption.

Dress as you would for any class.

Do not forget that clothing is not optional! Please dress appropriately when a video is required for class.

Avoid foul language, profanity, or inappropriate gestures.

Profanity directed at a classmate or professor can be considered threatening and/or disruptive. PBSC Panthers are respectful, considerate, and civil.

Avoid inadvertent sharing of unwanted content.

Closing all your apps and websites will minimize the risk of you sharing something inappropriate that might result in a call from the Dean. Sharing inappropriate material can be considered a conduct violation.

Don’t type in ALL CAPS!

If you do it will look like you are screaming. Something to which no one responds well.

Don’t write anything that sounds angry or sarcastic.

Even if you intend it as a joke. Without hearing your tone of voice, your peers might not realize you’re joking. This too could lead to a conduct violation.

Respect the opinion of your classmates.

If you have an opposing opinion, do so respectfully and acknowledge the valid points in your classmate’s argument.

Don’t badmouth others or call them names (stupid, idiot, dumb, etc.). You may disagree with their ideas but don’t mock the person. Online arguments can become a disruption.

Having an issue? 



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counseling | accessibility | veterans

panther's voice

1. File a report for any of the following reasons:

  • Academic Concerns
  • Administrative Concerns
  • Security Concerns
  • Sexual Misconduct/Harassment
  • Accessibility & ADA 504 Concerns


2. Explore Title IX/Sexual Misconduct resources

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