Institute of Excellence in Early Care & Education
We are educators of the early childhood workforce, whose teaching practices will make a difference in the success of children. We are trainers, advisors, educators, and mentors. We are experts in the field of early childhood education.
All courses will be offered via live online or face-to-face and are eligible for micro-credentialing.
Learn about our micro-credentialing initiative.
Adapt Lessons
Integrating Mathematics in the Preschool Classroom – HEO0311
Contact Hours: 10
Language: English
Dates/Times: Wednesdays, 1/29 – 2/26, 2025
Required Textbook: None
Enrich your foundational skills that will help both new teachers and veteran teachers
alike be stronger educators.
This course covers the foundations of mathematics in preschool: the teacher’s role,
the student’s role, preschool mathematics topics, impactful manipulatives, and effective
Teaching Science in Centers – HEO0324
Contact Hours: 10
Language: Spanish
Dates/Times: Saturdays, 2/8 – 2/22 *No class 2/15
Required Textbook: None
En este curso, los participantes explorarán cómo utilizar el juego guiado para adaptar las lecciones de ciencias para los estudiantes. Este curso utiliza los Objetivos GOLD y las Etapas de Aprendizaje del Creative Curriculum para guiar a los maestros en la identificación de habilidades científicas apropiadas para el desarrollo y oportunidades de aprendizaje práctico. Basado en la premisa del juego guiado como un componente esencial en las aulas de educación infantil, los participantes se involucrarán en el análisis de los objetivos GOLD, adaptando lecciones para satisfacer las necesidades individuales de los niños y documentando su crecimiento y desarrollo.
Teaching Math in Centers – HEO0307
Contact Hours: 10
Language: English
Dates/Times: Wednesdays, 3/12 – 4/9
Required Textbook: None
In this course, we explore how to use guided play to adapt lessons for students. We review the concept of guided play and why it is essential in early childhood classrooms. The GOLD assessment cycle is discussed as a way to document student progress. The GOLD tool along with curriculum resources is used to support the adaptation to easier or more difficult skills based on individual student needs. Participants engage in exploring sample lessons with hands-on opportunities for application of new skills.
Awareness and Balance Micro-Credential Pathway
The Science of Wellness: Wellness of the Mind – HEO0293
Contact Hours: 10
Language: Spanish
Dates/Times: Tuesdays, 1/28 – 2/18
Required Textbook: None
Si te sientes abrumado por el estrés, este curso puede ayudarte. A través de prácticas de atención plena y actividades de arte expresivo, practicarás técnicas para fortalecer la compostura, anclarte en el momento presente y ofrecerte compasión hacia ti mismo. También establecerás metas para el autocuidado y llevarás un diario de tus pensamientos y sentimientos. Este curso también incluye adaptar estos conceptos de bienestar a tu aula al nivel del niño.
Wellness of the Body – HEO0326
Contact Hours: 10
Language: English
Dates/Times: Tuesdays, 4/1 – 4/22
Required Textbook: None
Participants will explore research-based habits of nutrition and sleep, regular exercise, and healthy body image, and will learn how to use them to create a healthy life. They will also learn how to use culturally sensitive language to engage in conversations with children about healthy nutrition, body-image and appropriate body signals.
Classroom Assessment for Infants and Toddlers Micro-Credential Pathway
Infant CLASS: Responsive Caregiving – HEO0330
Contact Hours: 10
Language: English
Dates/Times: Wednesdays, 4/2 – 4/23
Required Textbook: None
This training is designed to give Early Learning Practitioners more in-depth knowledge of the Infant CLASS tool. The ELP will gain an understanding of the classroom processes using the four Dimensions: Relational Climate, Teacher Sensitivity, Facilitated Exploration, and Early Language Support. Each of these dimensions refers to specific teaching behaviors that help children develop warm, supportive relationships, build trust with caregivers, learn through physical and verbal engagement with adults, and develop language skills.
Classroom Assessment for PreK Micro-Credential Pathway
PreK CLASS: Emotional Support – HEO0252
Contact Hours: 10
Language: English
Dates/Times: Wednesdays, 1/29 – 2/26 *No class 2/12
Required Textbook: None
This training is designed to give Early Learning Practitioners more in-depth knowledge of the Infant CLASS tool. The ELP will gain an understanding of the classroom processes using the four Dimensions: Relational Climate, Teacher Sensitivity, Facilitated Exploration, and Early Language Support. Each of these dimensions refers to specific teaching behaviors that help children develop warm, supportive relationships, build trust with caregivers, learn through physical and verbal engagement with adults, and develop language skills.
PreK CLASS: Emotional Support – HEO0252
Contact Hours: 10
Language: Spanish
Dates/Times: Thursdays, 2/6 – 2/27
Required Textbook: None
¿Confundido acerca de PreK CLASS? ¿Quieres aprender más sobre el Apoyo Emocional? En este curso, obtendrá una comprensión de las prácticas de enseñanza que ayudará a los niños a desarrollar relaciones cálidas y de apoyo con los maestros y entre sí, experimentar el disfrute y la emoción por aprender, sentirse cómodo en el aula y experimentar niveles apropiados de autonomía o independencia.
Creativity Micro-Credential Pathway
Science by Design – HEO0239
Contact Hours: 12
Language: English
Dates/Times: Tuesdays, 3/11 – 4/1
Required Textbook: None
If you want to deepen your knowledge of what you learned in Integrating Investigation - STEAM and the Scientific Method, consider taking this training. You will learn many hands-on activities that will encourage children to think like scientists and create like artists. This training aligns with CLASS Domain Instructional Support and GOLD Assessment.
Science by Design – HEO0239
Contact Hours: 12
Language: Spanish
Dates/Times: Mondays, 4/7 – 4/28
Required Textbook: None
Si desea profundizar sus conocimientos de lo que aprendió en “Integrando la Investigación: STEAM y el Método Científico”, considere tomar este entrenamiento. Aprenderá muchas actividades prácticas, que alentarán a los niños a pensar como científicos y a crear como artistas. Este entrenamiento se alinea con el Dominio del Apoyo Pedagógico de CLASS® y con la evaluación de GOLD®.
Cultivating Belonging Micro-Credential Pathway
Fostering Belonging in Preschool – HEO0304
Contact Hours: 7.5
Language: English
Dates/Times: Wednesdays, 4/2 – 4/16
Required Textbook:
Mary and Her New Friends by Fawzia Reza
ISBN-13: 978-1528928847
I Am Whole by Shola Oz
ISBN-13: 978-1838343309
Participants will be introduced to books that support a classroom culture of belonging. Participants will involve parents with feedback to adapt the classroom to reflect their families. Participants will explore topics regarding self-identity, culture, and family composition. The course will also help prepare for questions that arise from the children as they inquire about differences they observe.
Developing Self-Regulation Micro-Credential Pathway
Conscious Discipline® Becoming Brain Smart® – HEO0263
Contact Hours: 12
Language: English
Dates/Times: Wednesdays, 1/22 – 2/26
Required Textbook: None
Participants will explore ways to problem solve and create solutions with the children in their care using the social-emotional learning skills of positive intent and consequences. The material for this course is based on Dr. Becky Bailey’s book, “Conscious Discipline®: Building Resilient Classrooms.” This course will offer tools and strategies to assist adults in creating ways to build children’s executive function skills that help a child to be able to self-regulate, see from another’s point of view, the ability to pause before acting and choose a helpful response, and setting and achieving goals to be successful in school and life.
Navigating Emotional Chaos – HEO0283
Contact Hours: 15
Language: English
Dates/Times: Thursdays, 1/23 – 2/27
Required Textbook:
Managing Emotional Mayhem
Author: Dr. Becky A. Bailey
Publisher: Loving Guidance
ISBN #: 978-1-889609-35-5
Do you want to see changes in behavior for the children in your care? If so, the change starts with you! Learn how to calm your internal chaos first so you can then pass on those self-regulation skills to children. It is recommended that this course is taken prior to HEO0275 - Handling Big Emotions: Coaching Children to Self-Regulate.
Connected Moments with Infants and Toddlers – HEO0270
Contact Hours: 15
Language: Spanish
Dates/Times: Wednesdays, 2/5 – 3/19 *No class 3/5
Required Textbook:
El circulo de los Bebés®
Autor: Dr. Becky A. Bailey y Elizabeth Montero-Cefalo
Editor: Loving Guidance
ISBN #: 978-1-889609-41-6
Do you want to see changes in behavior for the children in your care? If so, the change starts with you! Learn how to calm your internal chaos first so you can then pass on those self-regulation skills to children. It is recommended that this course is taken prior to HEO0275 - Handling Big Emotions: Coaching Children to Self-Regulate.
Navigating Emotional Chaos – HEO0283
Contact Hours: 15
Language: Spanish
Dates/Times: Thursdays, 3/13 – 5/1 *No class 3/20 & 4/17
Required Textbook:
Managing Emotional Mayhem
Author: Dr. Becky A. Bailey
Publisher: Loving Guidance
ISBN #: 978-1-889609-35-5
¿Desea ver cambios en el comportamiento de los niños a su cargo? Si es así, ¡el cambio comienza con usted! Aprenda a calmar primero su caos interno para que después pueda transmitir esas habilidades de autorregulación a los niños. Se recomienda que haga este curso antes de tomar HEO0275 - Handling Big Emotions: Coaching Children to Self-Regulate.
Conscious Discipline® Becoming Brain Smart® – HEO0263
Contact Hours: 12
Language: English
Dates/Times: Wednesdays, 3/26 – 4/30
Required Textbook: None
Participants will explore ways to problem solve and create solutions with the children in their care using the social-emotional learning skills of positive intent and consequences. The material for this course is based on Dr. Becky Bailey’s book, “Conscious Discipline®: Building Resilient Classrooms.” This course will offer tools and strategies to assist adults in creating ways to build children’s executive function skills that help a child to be able to self-regulate, see from another’s point of view, the ability to pause before acting and choose a helpful response, and setting and achieving goals to be successful in school and life.
English Language Acquisition for Adults Beginner – Micro-Credential Pathway
Emergent Speaking of English for ECE II – HEO0329
Contact Hours: 9
Language: English
Dates/Times: Tuesdays, 3/11 – 4/22 *No class 3/25
Required Textbook: None
* On Hold for Cohort * If interested, contact your Advisor.
"This course is designed to provide ESOL students with Beginner proficiency and an introduction to the English language by continuing to learn emergent concepts in English. This course will begin to teach students to speak in the simple past tense. This is one of the classes in the Beginner English Language Acquisition for Adults Micro‐Credential Pathway, which will prepare students to succeed on the Accuplacer ESL exam and proceed to English for Academic Purposes coursework (EAP). The course is suitable for beginner speakers of English who currently work in the field of Early Childhood Education."
English Language Acquisition for Adults Intermediate – Micro-Credential Pathway
Successful Communication for ESOL II – HEO0268
Contact Hours: 6
Language: English
Dates/Times: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 1/23 – 2/20
Required Textbook: None
* On Hold for Cohort * If interested, contact your Advisor.
This course provides Intermediate ESOL students with an overview of English grammar in order to prepare students to succeed on the Accuplacer ESL and proceed to English for Academic Purposes course work (EAP). This course will provide the opportunity for students to learn and practice grammar in a hybrid classroom. The course is suitable for intermediate speakers of English who currently work in the field of Early Childhood Education.
Lesson Planning Micro-Credential Pathway
Understanding Writing Through GOLD – HEO0251
Contact Hours: 12
Language: Spanish
Dates/Times: Mondays, 3/31 – 4/21
Required Textbook: None
Este curso está diseñado para proporcionar a los profesionales de la educación infantil el conocimiento y las habilidades necesarias para entender y aplicar estrategias de escritura efectivas en relación con los Objetivos de Desarrollo y Aprendizaje de Teaching Strategies GOLD. Los estudiantes aprenderán en profundidad sobre los objetivos relacionados con la escritura de GOLD y obtendrán estrategias prácticas de implementación para asegurar un aumento en el conocimiento y desarrollo de habilidades de los niños. Teaching Strategies GOLD se puede utilizar para observar y evaluar a los niños dentro de cualquier currículo de educación infantil apropiado para su desarrollo.
Enhance Social-Emotional Learning Using Literacy in the Preschool Classroom – HEO0300
Contact Hours: 5
Language: Spanish
Dates/Times: Thursdays, 4/3 – 4/10
Required Textbook: None
Los participantes serán introducidos a libros que apoyan el desarrollo socioemocional y complementan su currículo para promover el avance de las habilidades socioemocionales. Los participantes crearán y usarán conjuntos de historias con tablero de fieltro para dar vida a esas historias y conceptos. El curso también explorará otras actividades de extensión con estos libros para mejorar el desarrollo socioemocional.
Understanding Writing Through GOLD – HEO0251
Contact Hours: 12
Language: English
Dates/Times: Tuesdays, 4/8 – 4/29
Required Textbook: None
This course is designed to give Early Learning Practitioners the knowledge and skills they need to understand and apply effective Writing Strategies as they relate to the Teaching Strategies GOLD Objectives for Development and Learning. Students will learn about the writing related objectives of GOLD in depth and gain practical implementation strategies to ensure increased child knowledge and skill development. Teaching Strategies GOLD can be used to observe and assess children within any developmentally appropriate early childhood curriculum.
Enhance Social-Emotional Learning Using Literacy in the Preschool Classroom – HEO0300
Contact Hours: 5
Language: English
Dates/Times: Tuesdays, 4/8 – 4/15
Required Textbook: None
Participants will be introduced to books that support social-emotional development and supplement their curriculum to promote the advancement of social-emotional skills. Participants will create and use felt board story sets to bring those stories and concepts to life. The course will also explore other extension activities with these books to enhance social-emotional development.
Problem-Solving Micro-Credential Pathway
Creative Scientists – Creativity and Problem-Solving – HEO0245
Contact Hours: 12
Language: English
Dates/Times: Thursdays, 2/13 – 3/13 *No class 3/6
Required Textbook: None
This course is designed to help preschool teachers discover methods to enhance children’s curiosity, creativity, and problem-solving skills through STEAM learning opportunities using the Investigation Method. Students will develop knowledge of and familiarity with foundational STEAM concepts to help them feel more confident in effectively facilitating Investigations.
Integrating Investigations – STEAM and the Scientific Method in the Preschool Curriculum
– HEO0235
Contact Hours: 12
Language: Spanish
Dates/Times: Tuesdays, 4/8 – 4/29
Required Textbook: None
Este curso está diseñado para ayudar a los maestros de preescolar a descubrir cómo aprovechar los "momentos de enseñanza" para fomentar que los niños sigan el Método Científico. Los estudiantes descubrirán formas de estimular la curiosidad de los niños, animarles a reflexionar sobre lo que ya saben y decidir lo que quieren aprender, motivar a los niños a pensar en maneras de encontrar las respuestas a sus preguntas, diseñar e implementar actividades apropiadas para que los niños investiguen y hagan descubrimientos; crear oportunidades para que los niños usen el arte para aprender y documentar su aprendizaje; y fomentar que los niños compartan lo que han aprendido con otros niños, padres, maestros y la comunidad.
Awareness of Nature Micro-Credential Pathway
Integrating Trees – HEO0309
Contact Hours: 5
Language: Spanish
Dates/Times: Wednesdays, 4/23 – 4/30, 2025
Required Textbook: None
Los participantes en este entrenamiento apoyarán a los niños en entornos de la primera
infancia para que participen en actividades basadas en la indagacion para construir
una comprensión y conexión con los árboles, el bienestar y el mundo natural. Los participantes
investigarán el papel que desempeñan los árboles en
nuestro mundo, reflexionaran sobre sus experiencias en un entorno natural, utilizando
los cinco sentidos, y explorarán cómo se sienten cuando están en la naturaleza (bosque,
parque, area de juegos, jardin). Los participantes utilizarán el libro Hello Tree,
it's Me de Grace Kolbe para descubrir los conceptos de cuestionamiento y comprensión
del lenguaje que se pueden usar con los niños pequeños.
Trauma-Informed Care for Child Care Directors – HEO0287
Contact Hours: 45
Language: English
Dates/Times: Wednesdays, 1/29 – 3/26
Required Textbook:
Reaching and Teaching Children Exposed to Trauma by Barbara Sorrels $24.95 ISBN?
The goal of this course is to assist childcare program directors in implementing trauma-informed
care for the families they serve.
This is a five-session course, which will require the completion of outside assignments
and readings. Upon completion of this course, childcare program directors will form
a community of practice and will be able to:
- Recognize the signs of trauma impacting children
- Examine the importance of self-care
- Apply tools to help children regulate emotions and behaviors
- Evaluate the physical learning environment for trauma-sensitive supports
- Develop a plan for creating a trauma-sensitive program
This course can be used to meet the Florida Credential renewal requirements and can be used to obtain the Trauma-Informed Care for Child Care Program Director Credential Endorsement.