PBSC Web Style Guide
Color Palette
PBSC's primary color palette consists of green, gold and blue. It is important that the following colors are used and always checked to ensure compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) before implementation.
- Dark Green: #2b6959
- Light Green: #0f8165
- Gold: #edb731
- Dark Blue: #004f73
- Light Blue: #0073a6
Fonts & Sizes
Body copy
- Official Font: Roboto-Regular, 16px (12pt)
- Acceptable alternative fonts: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif
- Official Font: Roboto-Regular, 22px (16pt)
- Acceptable alternative fonts: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif
Blue Subhead
Green Subhead
Light Green Subhead
When using a URL, either in print or on the website, always direct people to the home page/default page of an area. Never link to inside pages for an area because content may change or be removed. Users can find inside pages by using the site’s navigation.
If an exception needs to be made for any reason, PBSC’s Web Team must give approval before pieces or pages are published. Not following this procedure could result in broken links being used in printed materials.
URLs should usually be hidden on the website but there are times you may want to show it, especially in printed pieces. Here is the proper way:
- There is no need to include https:// or default.aspx when referencing the URL. As long as the home page for that area is used, people can get to the page without typing them in.
- Capitalize the last part of the URL for easier reading