Like a survey, but better!
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What is ThoughtExchange and how does it work?
With just one question, ThoughtExchange starts conversations and uses analytics to identify common themes and suggestions. The anonymous survey tool gives people a chance to share their real thoughts and provides transparency into how others are thinking. It captures qualitative input then allows participants to rate ideas and thoughts and turn them into action.
Learn more about the product at
What's different about ThoughtExchange?
ThoughtExchange allows you to ask a single question then hear all voices as people
rate the thought or idea with anti-biased technology. Turn digital discussions into
new insights.
Prioritized the best ideas and get buy-in among participants from small groups to large. Turn insights into data-driven decisions.
Make your voice heard in two easy steps:
Step 1 - Submit a Thought
Step 2 - Rate a Thought
Current Exchanges
What initiatives is the College working on presently to improve recruitment, retention, and enrollment processes or to reduce withdrawals?
Launched February 22, 2024
This exchange was developed to understand stakeholder awareness of current initiatives across the College.
How does Palm Beach State College's designation as a Hispanic Serving Institution impact our College culture?
Launched November 17, 2023
This exchange was launched to better understand sentiments towards PBSC’s Hispanic Serving Institution status.
What CTLE services, support, and modality would you like to see offered to Faculty during the evening hours?
Launched November 7, 2023
This exchange was developed to inform program development in the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence.
What faculty educational and professional development and training programs would you like to see offered through the CTLE?
Launched October 25, 2023
This exchange was developed to inform program development in the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence.
When thinking about ideal workforce partnerships in the future, what is most important to you?
Launched September 21, 2023
This exchange was given at the Palm Beach County Economic Summit hosted by the Central Palm Beach County Chamber of Commerce, the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Palm Beach County, Career Source of Palm Beach County, the School District of Palm Beach County, and Palm Beach State College.
What practical steps can the College take to ensure students take and pass a gateway math and English course in their first 20 credits?
Launched Sept 18, 2023
This exchange was released in the Cultural Conversations section of our monthly strategic planning newsletter, Momentum. Responses will be shared with the PS26 Strategic Planning Teams as they work on implementing their big ideas.
As a student, what do you see as the benefits of being part of a Career Pathway?
Launched 05-02-2023
This exchange was created to understand student perceptions of the Career Pathway Initiative.
Which of the platforms demonstrated today would support your teaching practices the most? Why?
Launched 05-02-2023
This exchange was developed to gather feedback from participants at the 2023 Technology Summit on the Lake Worth campus.
In your experience, what factors prevent students from completing your courses?
Launched 05-01-2023
This exchange was created for Gateway Course professors to identify the root causes of student failure or withdrawal.
What would make the College Affordability Task Force even stronger?
Launched 04-28-2023
This exchange was created to generate ideas to improve college affordability for students.
As the College communicates the value proposition of our Career Pathways initiative to stakeholders (faculty, staff, students, and external organizations), what are the benefits and key branding messages we should promote?
Launched 03-24-2023
This exchange was designed to help academic leadership brainstorm ways to build consensus on issues related to the Career Pathways initiative.
What are the preferred methods for communicating Career Pathways priorities, planning,
and directives with team members?
Launched 03-24-2023
This exchange was designed to help academic leadership brainstorm ways to build consensus on issues related to the Career Pathways initiative.
What is the role of senior leadership in Career Pathways?
Launched 03-24-2023
This exchange was designed to help academic leadership brainstorm ways to build consensus on issues related to the Career Pathways initiative.
What would it take to make Career Pathways super successful?
Launched 03-24-2023
This exchange was designed to help academic leadership brainstorm ways to build consensus on issues related to the Career Pathways initiative.
Do you support the proposed Institutional Student Learning Outcomes (ISLO’s)? How
do the ISLO’s add value to your teaching practices?
Launched 03-30-2023
This exchange gathers feedback from academic leaders about new categories, definitions, ISLO statements, competencies, and courses developed
by the Quality Learning Improvement Committee. The responses will guide the academic program review process, a continuous improvement
effort that ensures all PBSC courses require students to demonstrate the academic rigor needed
to be successful in their future careers.
How can we ensure that PBSC is our community’s “College of Choice”?
Launched 03-24-2023
Please identify the quality characteristics Palm Beach State can use to position itself, now and in the future, as the "College of Choice" in Palm Beach County.
Palm Beach State College continues to rank highest in terms of unaided awareness across all local colleges and universities. In 2021, among prospects 18-34, PBSC and FAU were the two dominant higher education providers when measuring "Unaided Top-of-Mind-Awareness. "
How can the College capitalize on its market position to become the College of Choice by other standards?
Your input is valued, appreciated, and will inform our next strategic plan.
What can Academic Affairs leadership do to support the Academic Pathways effort that also then impacts the Pathways and QEP initiatives?
Launched 03-17-2023
Participants of this exchange suggested changes and improvements to communication, organizational, and financial structures to support the Academic Pathways initiative and the Quality Enhancement Plan to Increase Student Success.
What could we add to the MyPBSC app and student portal (and what current features should we be sure to keep) to create a better user experience?
Launched 03-01-2023
This exchange was designed for PBSC’s student technology focus groups. It captured student thoughts and suggestions for making the MyPBSC student portal and app even stronger. Student input will directly inform the redesign.
What are your initial impressions and thoughts of your CTLE faculty educational development
and training program?
Launched 02-24-2023
This exchange gathers feedback from faculty participating in training programs sponsored by the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence. This valuable feedback enables the CTLE to make continuous improvements and analyze the impact and effectiveness of the learning, development, and training they provide.
Participants ensure they have a voice in shaping the vision, goals, and activities of the CTLE.
This Thought Exchange is Active.
Reflecting on your work in continuous improvement and assessment, what are the most
important ways these processes can build a culture of student and institutional success?
Launched 02-22-2023
This exchange was given to participants attending a Continuous Improvement Facilitation event presented by IRE and Panther PACE for the North Texas Community College Consortium.
What research is the College not conducting that you see as a gap and believe would advance efforts to achieve student success and our strategic goals?
Launched 02-20-2023
The College will expand our research efforts with the assistance of ThoughtExchange and Hanover Research. These tools and resources will give us greater capability and capacity for new projects. Our goal is to turn data into actionable insights. Potential research areas include:
- Enrollment Management
- Student Success
- Program Development
This exchange was sent to academic leaders.
If you could create the ideal student experience, what would you improve about PBSC
to foster a sense of belonging within our college community?
Launched 02-13-2023
An exceptional student experience, whether face-to-face or virtual, is Palm Beach State College's highest priority.
We want your thoughts and ideas about enhancing and improving the student experience. The top-rated thoughts will inform the development of PBSC's new strategic plan.
Some ideas to consider: how services are delivered, quality teaching and learning, face-to-face/online classes, use of technology, relevant opportunities for success in the workforce, meaningful engagement with faculty, staff, and peers, and participation in college activities.
What thoughts do you have about additional ways PBSC can motivate students to finish the semester and reenroll in the fall?
Launched 02-13-2023
Students who participated in this survey qualified for a $100 Scholarship. Their input influences the planning of future retention and outreach initiatives.
What thoughts or ideas do you have, if any, to improve our mission statement?
Launched 01-25-2023
We need your input on what thoughts or ideas you have, if any, to improve our mission. As we launch the next strategic planning process, we want your thoughts on our mission since our mission is our purpose and the foundation of everything we do.
Current Mission Statement:
Palm Beach State College provides accessible, student-centered teaching and learning experiences in academic, technical and lifelong learning to transform lives and strengthen our community.
What ideas do you have to help us to better manage, track, and gain accountability
for achieving College goals and desired results?
Launched 12-15-2022
We need your input on the management, tracking, and effectiveness of the next strategic plan. Our objective is to improve the process used for Panther Strong 2023 so that we may more effectively achieve our goals and results. Your ideas can address topics including but not limited to team structure, the role of the champions or other approaches, accountability, the role of the cabinet, use of dashboard data, progress reporting, and general monitoring or tracking.
How can ThoughtExchange be used to advance our efforts to align our initiatives in
support of Panther Strong 2023?
Launched 12-11-2022
Members of the Aligning Initiatives team were asked this question. They were encouraged to consider factors such as assessment, professional learning, engagement, use of data, business intelligence, and student success.
How can ThoughtExchange be used to advance our efforts to align our initiatives in
support of Panther Strong 2023?
Launched 12-11-2022
Members of the Aligning Initiatives team were asked this question. They were encouraged to consider factors such as assessment, professional learning, engagement, use of data, business intelligence, and student success.
What are some notable successes from this past year to celebrate?
Launched 11-22-2022
This ThoughtExchange was shared with cabinet members.
A survey question also asked members if they think Palm Beach State College does a good job celebrating successes.
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