College Effectiveness
College effectiveness refers to continual and integrated processes that focus on institutional
quality, especially as that quality relates to student learning and achievement. The
Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness coordinates and facilitates Palm
Beach State College's engagement in ongoing, integrated, and institution-wide planning
and evaluation. The College systematically reviews all outcomes for programs, administrative
units, general education, and indirect institutional measures that contribute to an
overall understanding of student learning. Most reviews are conducted annually and
all align with regional accreditation requirements to identify expected outcomes,
assess the extent to which students achieve these outcomes, and to provide evidence
that the findings from these assessments are utilized to make improvements designed
to enhance student learning.
A significant element of college effectiveness is student learning outcomes. These outcomes are established and regularly reviewed at all levels of academics. They exist to broadly describe what students are expected to know or do upon successful completion of a program or course or upon earning a credential at the College.
The College is committed to continually improving student learning and institutional processes. In doing so, assessment becomes a critical resource. Ongoing assessment of student learning outcomes includes the use of rubrics, projects, case studies, technical skills demonstrations, lab work, licensure and certification exams, presentations, performance in internships or externships, research, and product development or analysis. Non-academic units are also assessed, and students are invited to assess courses and faculty.
Faculty and staff can contact the Office of Institutional Effectiveness for resources or services that are not listed below or otherwise apparent on the web page or if additional help is needed.
- Anthology Login
- Campus Labs Support
- Campus Labs RUBRICS Login
- Learning Outcomes, Mapping, and Assessment Handbook
- Curriculum Mapping Template - Course Level
- Curriculum Mapping Template - Program Level
- Faculty Leaders and Committee Members
- Student Services Outcomes Workbook
- Gordon Rule Statement (addresses the writing requirement only)
- Course Outlines and Course Learning Outcomes
The program review process is the means by which the College looks at the quality of learning that is occurring in each program or discipline in addition to several quantitative metrics. It is completed annually for all academic programs.
- Anthology Login
- Program Review at PBSC
- Fall 2020 Program Review Info & Guidelines
- Section 3: Running a PLO Assessment Report
- Section 4: Course Special Fees Report 2020
- Section 4: Funded Industry Certifications FY2020
- Section 5: Program Completions by Demographics Report for 2019-2020
- Section 7: FLDOE Career and Technical Education Audit Results for PBSC Programs 2020
- Section 7: FLDOE Career Cluster Infographics
- Section 7: Perkins V CLNA Report
- Section 7: Program Health Indicator Report: 2015-2016 to 2019-2020
The Office of Institutional Effectiveness is available to help students understand Gordon Rule writing requirements or the use of assessment at the institutional level. Students are invited to view the rubrics for institutional learning outcomes to gain an understanding of the College-wide expectations of student achievement in PBSC programs.
The College is accredited regionally by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), and remains accountable for federal and state reporting. Additionally, many academic programs are accredited by specialized accrediting bodies or otherwise affiliated with external certification and standards.