Workday Student Glossary
Term | Definition |
Academic Date Range | The period of time associated with a student recruiting cycle. Date ranges with a type of Recruiting are the only ones currently supported. |
Academic Level | The level of an educational objective students can pursue, such as Associates, Undergraduate, Graduate, or Professional. When you configure an academic unit, you specify what each academic level can do in Workday. |
Academic Period | A period with a defined start date and end date, such as a semester, quarter, or other fixed period. |
Academic Unit | A Workday organization type that represents a school, college, university, or other unit of your institution. These units can recruit prospective students, admit students, offer programs of study or courses, or administer financial aid. Academic units are also used with academic appointments in Workday. |
Academic Unit Hierarchy | A hierarchical grouping of academic units primarily used for roll-up reporting in Workday Student. |
Admissions Cohort | A grouping of applications for the same admitting level of an academic unit and the same anticipated start date. Cohorts can have 1 or more application pools, with an admissions counselor assigned to each pool. |
Admissions Counselor | A person who can recruit prospective students or review applications for admission. |
Anticipated Start | Indicates when student prospects intend to begin their enrollment. It can be an academic period, such as Fall 2015 or a dynamic date, such as October 1, 2015. |
Applicant Pool | A subset of applications in an admissions cohort. Applicant pools enable you to control and adjust workload for application reviewers. |
Conversation Tag | A descriptor, such as Dietary Restrictions or Special Needs that you can assign to an engagement conversation to identify its topic. You can search for conversations by conversation tag. |
Conversation Topic | A conversation tag or recruiting event name that you can associate with an engagement conversation to make conversations easier to find. |
Designation | An attribute, such as Community Learning Partner, Honors, or STEM, that you can associate with educational institutions and external associations to make them easy to find and report on. |
Dynamic Period | A date that identifies the anticipated start date for a student of online education or other asynchronous learning. |
Educational Credentials | The specific diplomas, certificates, degrees, or other types of credentials students can earn at your institution. |
Educational Institution | Secondary and postsecondary schools in the U.S. that student prospects might have attended. You can associate educational institutions with student prospects, use them to define recruiting regions, and select them as locations for recruiting events. |
Educational Taxonomy | A taxonomy scheme and set of codes you can assign to programs of study and their concentrations to meet state, local, or other classification requirements. |
Engagement Action Item | Defines a requirement that must be met for an application for admission to be considered complete. Example: Submit transcripts. |
Engagement Conversation | A documented conversation between a student prospect and a representative of your institution. You can search for conversations by topic and see the history of conversations with a prospect on the History tab of the prospect's profile. |
Engagement Email | An email that you can include in engagement plans or associate with a recruiting event. When you create recruiting events, you can have Workday email invitations, registration confirmations, and a post-event communication. |
Engagement Item | An engagement email or printed engagement item. You can include engagement items in engagement plans and use them to support student recruiting events. |
Engagement Plan | A communication plan that supports a recruiting campaign. The plan identifies 1 or more engagement items to send to student prospects who meet specific criteria and includes a mailing schedule. |
External Association | A nonprofit, community-based, or other non-educational organization that you can associate with student prospects or identify as a location for recruiting events. |
External Engagement Item | Used to send and track third-party engagement items for recruiting events, communication plans, or ad hoc communications. |
Fast Path | A streamlined approach to moving applications for admission from submission to matriculation as quickly as possible. |
General Educational Interest | A general interest, such as Teaching or Science, that you can associate with student prospects to help you understand their interests. This lets you gauge overall interest in potential programs of study, and understand the long-term career goals for students. |
Match and Merge | A process that identifies duplicate student prospects when you add or update prospect information in Workday. The process merges prospects that are an exact match and flags prospects that are suggested matches. You can review and reconcile suggested matches. |
Printed Engagement Item | A type of engagement item that helps you coordinate mailings of print communications related to engagement plans or recruiting event, or ad hoc communications. |
Program of Study | An educational objective, such as a History Major for which students can achieve a Bachelor of Arts degree at your institution. Each program of study is specific to a level of an academic unit. |
Program of Study Type | A type, such as Major, Minor, or Non-Credit, that you associate with a program of study to control the configuration options available to it. You can configure a program of study type to stand alone, grant credentials, and have concentrations. |
Recipient Threshold | The maximum number of prospects to whom you can send an engagement item at the same time without requiring approval. |
Recruiting Cycle | A period for which 1 or more academic levels of an academic unit recruit student prospects. Recruiting cycles are associated with student recruiting campaigns and enable you to track and measure the success of your recruiting efforts. |
Recruiting Event | An activity, such as a career fair or high school visit, or a virtual event that is part of a recruiting campaign. Recruiting events can be scheduled, occur on or off campus, and can last more than 1 day. |
Student Recruiting Region | Workday term for recruiting territory. A recruiting region can represent a geographical area, 1 or more schools, or schools in selected school districts. |
Source | Identifies how you learned about a student prospect. Examples: a high school visit, a recruiting event, or information purchased from a search service. |
Stage | A value, such as Lead, Inquirer, or Applicant, that identifies the current stage of a student prospect in the recruitment or admissions process. |
Student Prospect Profile | A worklet that displays information for a prospective student, including contact information and recruitment details. |
Student Prospect Type | A Workday-defined value, such as First Year or Adult Returning that you can assign to prospective students and use to match student prospects to admissions counselors automatically. |
Student Tags | An attribute, such as Veteran, Athlete, or Scholarship Recipient, that you can assign to student prospects. You can use tags to match student prospects to recruiters automatically, find prospects, and use as criteria for associating engagement plans with prospects. |