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Income and Employment Verifications

Palm Beach State College has partnered with The Work Number database. The Work Number® database is a simple, secure and discreet way to help get proof of your employment and income information to companies when needed. It’s always on and available 24/7 so that you can get the approvals you need when you need them.

Enter the Employer Code: 20671

Have questions? Or Need to talk to someone? For assistance contact The Work Number Employee Service Center at:

  • 800-367-2884 M-F 6:00 am - 9:00 pm (ET)
  • TTY- hearing impaired: 800-424-0253
  • 866-222-5880 M-F 6:00 am - 8:00 pm (ET) – Data Dispute Assistance


Start by going to
Click on “Employee”

  • If this is your first time, pick “Register Now”
  • If a retuning user, enter your username and the password you set up

Select “Log In” and follow the simple prompts
Enter the Employer code: 20671

The screens prompts will walk you through all the steps to help verify your identity and keep your account private while offering helpful messages if you have problems.

Not just anyone can ask for your personal information. They must be credentialed. The Work Number service accepts requests only from credentialed verifiers, meaning they must go through a credentialing process to prove they have a “permissible purpose” (i.e., a legally established legitimate business reason) in order to make a request.

In addition, you must give permission for a verifier to get your income information from The Work Number database. This is called Consumer Consent, and it’s usually part of an application you complete, for a job, for a lease, or for credit.

Typically, among other things, verifications are needed whenever someone:

  • applies for a loan or public aid
  • leases an apartment
  • applies for a job
  • updates their immigration status
  • applies for a new credit card

The Work Number service uses stringent security standards to help protect its data. These protocols include advanced data encryption, physical security controls in the data centers, and user identity verification through multiple steps (often referred to as multi-factor authentication). There are also controls in place, by law (the Fair Credit Reporting Act), to help protect your privacy.

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