About the Foundation
The mission of the Foundation for Palm Beach State College is to seek philanthropic gifts and partnerships to further initiatives and opportunities that transform students’ lives and impact the economic and cultural prosperity of the community.
Today's Foundation for Palm Beach State is defined by relationships - the ones that bring partners, friends and donors committed to the students we serve and the community we share.
The Foundation provides value to the College by
- expanding awareness of and engagement in Palm Beach State while
- accepting, stewarding and distributing philanthropic gifts in accordance with donors’ wishes.
Palm Beach State College Foundation, Inc.
812 Fern Street
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: 561-868-3450 | Fax: 561-868-3687
email: foundation@palmbeachstate.edu
Mailing Address
640 Clematis St. #278 | West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Foundation Staff
David A. Rutherford, M.A., CFRE
Vice President,
Institutional Advancement
CEO, The Foundation for
Palm Beach State College
Kareen Torres
Assistant Vice President, Institutional Advancement
Dean Glorioso
Advancement Communications Manager, Grant Development
Ana Thomas, CFRE *Alumna*
Corporate Partnerships Director
2023 - 2024 Foundation Board of Directors
- Ricky Wade, Chair
- Noel Guillama, Vice Chair
- Ellice Martinez, Secretary
- Brent Fykes, Finance Chair
- Pat Bishop, District Board of Trustees Representative
- Dr. Melissa Friedman-Levine, District Board of Trustees Representative
- Vicki Chouris
- Stephen Constantine
- Hermine Drezner
- George T. Elmore
- Pia Giannone
- Elizabeth Hamma
- Julie Kime
- Trish Lowry
- Whitney Cunningham Walker
- Alfred Zucaro
- Ava L. Parker, J.D., PBSC President
- David A. Rutherford, VP Advancement, CEO Foundation for PBSC
- James Duffie, CPA
- Kevin Fernander, Esq.
- Debbie Beres, Faculty Representative
- Tomas Leon Nunez, Student Representative
Note: All members of the Palm Beach State College Foundation Board of Directors are required to sign an acknowledgment form stating they have reviewed and understand the Sunshine Law and Conflict of Interest Policy of Palm Beach State College Foundation, Inc.
The purpose of these meetings is for the Executive Committee to conduct public business. Meetings are open to the public. A copy of the agenda is available at the Foundation Office, 812 Fern Street, West Palm Beach, FL, 33401. Any person with a disability requiring auxiliary aid services for this meeting may call the Foundation at 561-868-3450 with his or her request.
Note: All Full Board meetings will be held at 12 p.m. in the West Palm Beach Historic Building, unless otherwise noted.
Day/Date | Meeting | Time |
Wednesday, January 22 | Full Board Meeting | 12 p.m. |
Wednesday, February 12 |
Executive Committee Meeting | 8 a.m. |
Wednesday, March 12 |
Full Board Meeting | 12 p.m. |
Wednesday, April 23 |
Executive Committee Meeting Investment committee meeting |
8 a.m. 9 a.m. |
Wednesday, May 14 |
Full Board Meeting |
12 p.m. |
Wednesday, June 11 |
Executive Committee meeting | 8 a.m. |
Wednesday, August 20 |
Executive Committee Meeting Investment committee meeting |
8 a.m. 9 a.m. |
Wednesday, September 17 |
Full Board Meeting |
12 p.m. |
Wednesday, October 15 |
Executive Committee Meeting | 8 a.m. |
Wednesday, November 12 |
Full Board Meeting | 12 p.m. |
Wednesday, December 3 |
Executive Committee Meeting | 8 a.m. |
The purpose of these meetings is for the Executive Committee to conduct public business. Meetings are open to the public. A copy of the agenda is available at the Foundation Office, 812 Fern Street, West Palm Beach, FL, 33401. Any person with a disability requiring auxiliary aid services for this meeting may call the Foundation at 561-868-3450 with his or her request.
Day/Date | Meeting | Time |
Wednesday, March 13 | Full Board Meeting | 12 p.m. |
Wednesday, April 24 |
Executive Committee Meeting | 8 a.m. |
Wednesday, May 15 |
Full Board Meeting and Audit | 12 p.m. |
Wednesday, June 12 |
Executive Committee Meeting | 8 a.m. |
Wednesday, August 21 |
Executive Committee Meeting Investment Committee Meeting |
8 a.m. 9 a.m. |
Wednesday, September 18 |
Full Board Meeting | 12 p.m. |
Wednesday, October 16 |
Executive Board Meeting | 9 a.m. |
Wednesday, November 13 |
Full Board Meeting |
12 p.m. |
Wednesday, December 4 |
Executive Committee Meeting | 8 a.m. |

The Palm Beach State College Foundation, Inc., operates under the auspices of Institutional Advancement and serves as fiduciary, connecting private philanthropy with charitable giving opportunities that advance the College’s mission and strategic plan.
Established in 1973. A 501(c)3 organization.