Curriculum Development
Academic Services facilitates the development of curriculum by offering consultations,
access to course outlines and development resources, and support for the Palm Beach
State College wide Curriculum Committee activities.
Curriculum Development Resources
State Curriculum Resources
Florida Statewide Course Numbering System (SCNS) - Academic Services serves as the College's liaison to SCNS and all course action for PBSC must be processed through SCNS. (a section of Florida Virtual Campus) - Identifies programs offered at institutions-public and private across the state.
Florida CTE Curriculum Frameworks - List of approved curriculum frameworks in Florida and access to DOE resources.
Other Helpful Links
Course Outline Versus Syllabus (pdf)
Program Financial Aid Approval Process (Gainful Employment)
Student Writing Rubric (pdf)
Other Procedures & Forms Related to Curriculum
Federal Financial Aid Program Eligibility Form (Gainful Employment) New Certificates and Program Department chairs or deans must complete and submit this form to the Financial Aid Office before students can qualify for financial aid. Program Financial Aid Approval Process
General Education Course Designation Addition Form is to request the addition of a general education course designation to a new or existing course. General Education Course Designation Deletion Form is to request the deletion of a general education course designation from an existing course. All requests must first be reviewed by the General Education Council. The documents include the process and criteria that must be met.
FLDOE New Program Submittal Form New programs whose curriculum frameworks do not exist in the Florida state frameworks system must be sent to the Florida Department of Education for approval before they can be offered. Once the Curriculum Committee and VPAA approve the development of a program, this set of forms must be completed and submitted. (Form included in Program Addition Packet for New State CIP.)
Academic Management Manual (Section B-Credentialing) New Programs approved to be offered at the College will also need to provide faculty credentialing criteria. Once the program is approved through the curriculum process, follow the procedure outlined in this section.
Textbook/Software Adoption Form Form used by Faculty Clusters that will be helpful in this process of introducing or revising a text or software for a course. Go to Textbook/Software page for more information about this process.
Course Special Fee Worksheet A form for all credit and CCP clock hour courses where a special fee is warranted. Follow directions on the worksheet as necessary.
Course Dictionary Request For those creating Corporate and Continuing Education Courses (CCE), this form should be completed and submitted to the appropriate dean (or other designated administrator) for approval before being sent onto Academic Services for entry into the Course Dictionary. Check the Academic Management Manual (Section G) to verify who authorizes which CCE Area courses. Deans' Council approval is not required for this course action.
Pilot Project Proposal Form For those faculty and staff who wish to pilot a project involving changes in curriculum (courses and programs), textbooks and tests for diagnostic purposes. The project's expected outcomes should reflect the college's mission and strategic plan ( ). The maximum duration of a pilot project is one academic year, with the opportunity to continue for an additional year if approved by VPAA.