The McIsaac Civility Award
Nomination Criteria & Form
The McIsaac Civility Award recognizes a current Lake Worth Campus student who is an exemplar of civility; who works across differences to solve problems; and who engages others in the campus environment by exhibiting our community principles, the five Pillars of Civility: Pride, Respect, Progress, Ethics and Teamwork.
- Annual Nomination Deadline: February 27
- Nominations are accepted from Lake Worth Campus students, faculty, and staff.
To be nominated, a student must
- be currently enrolled,
- exhibit behavior that is consistent with our campus community principles, or Pillars of Civility (below),
- have no conduct issues,
- have gone above and beyond expectations in service to others in a way that makes our campus even better, and
- have at least a 2.0 GPA during the term when recommended for consideration.
Nomination Form