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The College will be closed for Spring Break from March 3 - 9, 2025.

Curriculum and Programs

Academic Services coordinates activities related to curriculum development, program review, prior learning assessment, program contact information, field observation/practicum and business partnership councils.

  • Prior Learning Assessment contains the policies and procedures that allow students to gain credit for prior learning experiences from noncredit coursework or life experience.
  • Meta-majors at PBSC are a collection of academic programs with common or related content.


Other Resources

Criteria and forms for reporting dual enrollment for Palm Beach State College in accordance with Florida Administrative Code 6A-14.064. All dual enrollment classes must meet the criteria as specified in Florida Administrative Code 6A-14.064.

Each dual enrollment class must complete the Dual Enrollment Checklist form and forward a copy of the form no later than the first day of class and a copy of the final exam/grade book used in the class at the end of the term to the VPAA.

Dual Enrollment Reporting Form (Word doc)

Dual Enrollment Reporting
Area Criteria for Dual Enrollment Classes

Student Eligibility

All students must meet eligibility criteria as stated in 1007.271 F.S. Only dual enrollment high school students are permitted to enroll in the class.

Faculty Credentials

All faculty teaching dual enrollment courses must meet the credentialing criteria.

Course Outline

All faculty teaching dual enrollment courses shall be provided with the Palm Beach State College course outlines.

Class Loading

The associate dean (or designee) shall be responsible for loading of the class. The class must meet the expected course hours as stated in the course outline. The class cannot be scheduled for more hours or fewer hours than is stated in the course outline for a combination of lecture/lab hours. The class must use the special designator DE - Dual Enrollment.

Holidays and Closed Days

Dual enrollment classes shall meet according to the closed days/holidays as observed by the School District calendar.

Course Syllabus

All faculty teaching dual enrollment courses shall use the course syllabus template or checklist. The syllabus shall be approved by the associate dean prior to the start of classes.


The textbook used by the class shall be the same textbook designated by the faculty for use by adjunct instructors. The associate dean shall provide textbook information to the School District.

Final Exam

Final exams used in the dual enrollment course shall be approved by the associate dean prior to the administration of the exam. Completed and scored exams must be returned to the associate dean and kept for one (1) year.

Submission of Grades

All faculty teaching dual enrollment classes shall submit grades electronically, observing grade submission deadlines for the given session and term.


For exempt students, MAT1033C, Intermediate Algebra, has been the math course in which they were placed if they did not take a math placement test. Now students will have a second course to choose from, MAT1100. The FAQ below should help advisors and faculty understand this new course and its intended audience. This is not a replacement for MAT1033C; each course has a unique audience.

MAT1100, Quantitative Reasoning.

Course Description: This course builds on the foundation for understanding selected concepts taken from topics that include algebra, set theory, logic, geometry, probability, statistics, proportions, numeracy and graphing. Critical thinking skills, problem solving strategies, financial mathematics, communicating mathematically, and appropriate use of technology will be incorporated throughout the course.

Note: MAT1100 only satisfies the prerequisite requirements for MGF1106 and MGF1107 in general education. Students wishing to take MAC1105 must take MAT1033C or present sufficient test scores.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between MAT1033C, Intermediate Algebra, and MAT1100, Quantitative Reasoning?
The audience for MAT1033C are students needing remedial help in intermediate algebra so that they can transition and be successful in MAC1105, College Algebra, and math courses beyond that as they pursue an upper division program requiring this level of math (e.g., STEM, Business). The audience for MAT1100 are students who are pursuing a liberal arts tracked upper division program (e.g., education, history) and do not need MAC1105 and other higher level courses. A second audience for MAT1100 are students who have exhausted their three attempts at MAT1033C. We have hundreds of students who cannot finish an A.A. or A.S. degree because they could not progress to college-level math through the MAT1033C route, which up until this time was the only route we offered.

Does MAT1100 count as general education math credit?
No, MAT1100 is a transitional course to general education math courses much like MAT1033C. It does not count as general education math.

Will financial aid pay for MAT1100?
Yes, MAT1100 will be considered to serve the same function in the curriculum as MAT1033 in that it is remedial in nature and a pre-requisite to college-level math.


What general education math course can students take when they successfully complete MAT1100?
Students will be able to take MGF1106 and once they successfully complete the MFG course, they can then take STA2023, Introduction to Statistics.

If a student is not sure about their transfer major in AA, which course should they take?
 If a student is not sure on where they want to transfer to or what major to choose, they should take MAT1033C.

A student took MAT1100, but now wants to take coursework to prepare for business at FAU. What should they do?
In this case, the student will need to go back and take MAT1033C, or present sufficient test scores to place in MAC1105, College Algebra.


An A.S. degree such as Nursing requires a student to take STA2023 Statistics as their math course. What course should they take?
For students who only need STA2023 for their associate in science degree, they should take MAT1033C so that they can progress into the STA2023 course.

A student has an F and W in MAT1033C. Will taking MAT1100 “forgive” those grades?
No, grades earned in MAT1100 will not forgive grades in MAT1033C.

What role should advisors play in recommending MAT1100?
Advisors must work closely with students to clearly understand their intent in transfer. Students should not look at MAT1100 as an “easier” way to obtain an A.A. degree if their intent is to pursue a program requiring MAC1105 College Algebra.

What role should faculty play who will teach MAT1100?
On their syllabus and during the drop and add period, faculty must explain to students the purpose of the course and what other courses it prepares you for. Student should be strongly advised that taking the right course (MAT1033C or MAT1100) is a key decision point to ensure their progression towards the degree. If students are not sure of their course, they should take MAT1033C.

All Palm Beach State College programs of study provide students with training in the use of technology through the program's coursework. Each program has identified what types of technology training occurs and what types of software are used in computer-supported training. In addition, the following resources are available for students for learning about technology:

Library Learning Resources Center - The Libraries at each of Palm Beach State College's campuses offers students many opportunities for training in the use of technology. These include arrangement of specialized training, OASIS (Online Advancement of Student Information ), a completely online course in accessing and using technology in the library featuring eight chapters of learning, PantherLearn, a wiki featuring research help and guidelines. Librarians are also available to help students learn technology in personal consultation.

Student Learning Centers - The Student Learning Centers located at each Palm Beach State College campus offer tutoring on student use of technology though the use of open computer labs where students can consult with staff on using computers or self-paced tutorials featured in the lab.


Credit Courses
Computer Science & Information Technology  - The department offers a full line of courses in Computer Science and Information Technology that students can take as a part of their academic program (where applicable) or as an elective.


Noncredit Courses
The Corporate and Continuing Education Offices at each of the Palm Beach State College campuses offer opportunities for students to learn about technology through short-term courses in a wide variety of technology subjects. The courses are offered throughout the year on a continuing basis.


The Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) is required for completion in Career Certificate Program (CCP) clock hour programs of 450 or more clock hours. Students must pass this test at a level specified for their program in order for the College to show on the transcript that the student has completed the program.  Passing levels for each program are published in the catalog.  

TABE Exemptions:
Pursuant to 1004.91 F.S. Students are exempt from taking TABE if they provide the appropriate documentation showing that they (1) possess a college degree at the associate in  applied science level or higher; or (2) demonstrate readiness for public postsecondary education pursuant to s. 1008.30 and applicable rules adopted by the State Board of Education [any student who entered 9th grade in a Florida public school in the 2003-2004 school year, or any year thereafter, and earned a Florida standard high school diploma or a student who is serving as an active duty member of any branch of the U.S. Armed Services]  or (3)  passed a state, national, or industry certification or licensure examination that is identified in State Board of Education rules and aligned to the career education program in which the student is enrolled; or (4) are enrolled in an apprenticeship program that is registered with the Florida Department of Education in accordance with chapter 446.

In order to ensure student success in this area, Palm Beach State requires that students in some CCP certificate programs take remediation courses for TABE if initial testing results indicate the student did not pass the TABE test at a sufficient level.  As students progress through the TABE remediation courses, periodic retesting with the TABE will occur.

The TABE Remediation (VPI) courses are:

  • VPI 0100 - Vocational Prep Reading
  • VPI 0200 - Vocational Prep Math
  • VPI 0300 - Vocational Prep Language

While the policy in no way prevents students from pursuing their program objective, the policy increases the students' chance for success by allowing students to complete any vocational preparatory instruction necessary before, or along with, program courses.

Please see an academic advisor if you have any questions on the policy and if it affects you. Please note that an adult student with a disability may be exempted from the TABE requirement.

Students in the following programs are affected:

CCP Programs at Palm Beach State
Program Title Program Code TABE 11 & 12 Minimum Scale Scores Clock Hours
Automotive Service Technology CCP 5458A

Math: 10

Language: 9

Reading: 9

Automotive Repair Technician CCP 5451

Math: 10

Language: 9

Reading: 9

Automotive Service Technician CCP 5463

Math: 10

Language: 9

Reading: 9

Barbering CCP 5395

Math: 9

Language: 9

Reading: 9


Caring for Children Birth to 3-Years CCP


Math: 9

Language: 9

Reading: 9

CNC Production Specialist 5476

Math: 10

Language: 9

Reading: 9

Cosmetology CCP 5357

Math: 8

Language: 8

Reading: 8

Dental Assisting CCP 5155

Math: 10

Language: 10

Reading: 10

Diesel Technician CCP 5452

Math: 9

Language: 9

Reading: 9

Diesel Service Technology CCP 5457A

Math: 9

Language: 9

Reading: 9

Diesel Systems Technician 1 CCP 5468

Math: 9

Language: 9

Reading: 9

Early Childhood Professional Certification (ECPC) CCP 5364

Math: 9

Language: 9

Reading: 9

Firefighter CCP 5043

Math: 10

Language: 10

Reading: 10

Global Logistics and Supply Chain CCP 5582

Math: 9

Language: 9

Reading: 9

Heating Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration CCP 5267

Math: 10

Language: 9

Reading: 9

Heavy Equipment Service Technician CCP 5456

Math: 9

Language: 9

Reading: 9

Low Voltage Technician CCP 5450

Math: 10

Language: 10

Reading: 10

Machining Technology CCP 5459

Math: 9

Language: 8

Reading: 8

Marine Service Technology CCP 5453

Math: 9

Language: 9

Reading: 9

Massage Therapy CCP 5232

Math: 9

Language: 10

Reading: 10

Practical Nursing CCP 5234

Math: 11

Language: 11

Reading: 11

Residential and Commercial Electrician CCP 5246

Math: 9

Language: 9

Reading: 9

Residential Cooling and Heating Technician CCP 5250

Math: 10

Language: 9

Reading: 9

Welding Technology CCP 5460

Math: 9

Language: 9

Reading: 9



For students required to submit placement scores and who subsequently test into developmental education, the developmental requirements can be satisfied in one of several ways:

  • Developmental Education Courses offered by the College - Developmental education courses are covered by financial aid (veterans are urged to see the College's veterans advisor on their eligibility status).
  • Self-Study - Students may choose to study on their own using the library or SLC lab. These students show proficiency by retaking the PERT test and achieving passing scores that allow them to enter college credit courses in English and/or mathematics.
  • Using a Private Provider - Students may choose to hire a private tutor or use a commercial tutoring and help service. These students show proficiency by retaking the PERT test and achieving passing scores that allow them to enter college credit courses in English and/or mathematics.
  • Enrolling in a MOOC - Broward College is offering free MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) to all Florida College students. These students show proficiency by retaking the PERT test and achieving passing scores that allow them to enter college credit courses in English and/or mathematics.

Students who are "exempt" from placement testing may also choose to enroll or use any of the above options. If you have any questions, please see an academic advisor at one of the College's campuses.


New Programs – Institutional Research & Effectiveness Cycle
On a three-year cycle, the office of Institutional Research & Effectiveness will research and identify new programs as part of the college's Institutional Effectiveness process. Various national and state databases will be used to research new and emerging needs for the College's service area.  Data will be provided to the campuses in the form of a report. Campuses may use this data to propose new program offerings.

State Resources:

Curriculum Frameworks for Programs

State Course Numbering System


New Programs – Response to Emerging Business and Industry Need

At any time, new programs may be researched in response to an emerging need or other College initiative. The College official guiding such an effort must complete the following form to assess need, cost, and benefit to the College:

The campus approved form is then forwarded to the VPAA for approval through the Executive Leadership Council.



Campus Program Proposal Form (Steps 1 and 2)


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