The Libraries at Palm Beach State College
Currently, PBSC Libraries do not have student laptops for checkout.
You may complete a laptop request form to be notified if more laptops become available in the future.
PBSC Libraries and Student Learning Centers (SLC) have computer workstations available
for students to use on-site.

Plagiarism, Academic Honesty & Important Policies
LibGuides & Tutorial Videos
Reservation Links:
- Library study rooms are primarily intended for academic purposes.
- Only currently enrolled students may reserve study rooms, unless approved by the library director.
- The Student Code of Conduct (Board Rule 6HX 18-3.35; Student Handbook pp. 20-7) and the Library Code of Conduct are in effect.
- Groups or individuals who are disruptive may be asked to leave the room.
- Study rooms are not soundproof. Loud conversation or volume is not permitted.
- Study room capacity varies by room and may not be exceeded.
- A valid PantherCard and Palm Beach State email address are required.
- Food & Drink: No food is permitted. Drinks in spill-proof containers or capped bottles are okay.
- Reservations may be canceled by staff after fifteen (15) minutes for late arrivals.
- Personal belongings left unattended for more than fifteen (15) minutes will be removed by Campus Security.
- Additional guidelines may vary by campus.
Circulation Desk
Check out books, reserve materials, and a variety of resources through your campus
Circulation Desk:
- Belle Glade: 561-993-1150
- Boca Raton (FAU) Circulation: 561-297-6911
- Lake Worth Circulation: 561-868-3710
- Loxahatchee Groves: 561-790-9013
- Palm Beach Gardens Circulation: 561- 207-5800
Library Card
Your PantherCard is your library card and allows access to photocopiers and printers.
Loan Periods
Most books may be checked out for 21 days. Some high demand items have a 7 day loan
Overdue Fines
Late book returns (21 day loans) are charged 10-cents per day. 7 day loan books are
25-cents per day.
Reserve Items
Textbooks or materials that have been placed at the reserve desk by an instructor
may be checked out for use in the library, for a period of 2 to 4 hours, depending
on the campus. Late returns are charged $1 per hour.
Renewing Books
Most books can be renewed twice, unless there is a hold or recall on them. Renewals
can be done onsite, online, or by calling your campus circulation desk at the number
listed above. Interlibrary loan books must be renewed by the ILL department.
You can renew online by logging into the library. To do this, select the "Search the Library" link from the Library webpage. On the top-right side, select "Sign in". Next, select "PBSC Login". Type in your Palm Beach State login credentials. You are now logged in and can view and renew your loans by clicking on your name on the top-right side of the page.
The library owns over 20,000 e-book titles that can be accessed via our catalog. To read the full text of e-books, make sure to sign-in at the top right-hand side
of the catalog with your PBSC username and password.
Accessing Library Resources
You do not have to be on campus to use the library's resources. The library's resources are accessible online, and access includes the ability to view e-books, read full-text articles, browse subject-specific databases, and much more.
When prompted to login, use your PBSC student credentials.
Resources Available
The library provides resources to support students with their learning needs. This includes books, e-books, newspapers, magazines, journals, DVDs, audiobooks, databases, computers, printers/copiers, laptops, iPads, Kindles, mobile hotspots, calculators, headphones, and more.
Certain resources are only available on specific campuses. Please contact the campus library of your choice if you have further questions or Ask A Librarian.
No. You only need a connection to the internet on your device whether it is a computer,
laptop, tablet, or smartphone. You may need to be signed in to gain access to the
library resources. When you do a basic search in the library catalog, e-books can
be identified with the following icons:
To read the e-book, follow the link under "Full text availability". The e-books are provided by different platforms, such as JSTOR and EBSCO. Therefore, the format is slightly different for each platform and the permissions to read, print, download, and email will vary.
If you are having trouble reading an e-book from your library, please ask a library staff member for help.
Searching for Materials
If Palm Beach State College does not have an item available for checkout, a request for the item can be made to another Florida institution through Interlibrary Loan (ILL). This is a free service for students.
Yes. To search for a DVD, simply enter the title into the search box in the library catalog, and then narrow down your results to the Video (DVD) format.
Note: Not all the campus libraries have DVDs on-site. When searching for DVDs please check the location specified in the catalog search. Please contact the campus library of your choice if you have further questions or Ask A Librarian.
Checking Out Materials
The following items are available for checkout in the library:
- Books for 21 days
- Audiobooks for 21 days
- Calculators for an entire semester
- DVDs (up to 5 at a time) for 7 days
- Kindles/Kindle Fire for 21 days
- Laptops for 4 hours
- Laptops for an entire semester
- iPads for 2 nights
- Reserve items such as textbooks for a minimum 2 hours, with the option to renew (for use in library only)
- Headphones for 3 hours
- Mobile hotspots for 7 days
Certain materials are only available on specific campuses. The length of time for some items has also been changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please contact the campus library of your choice if you have further questions or Ask A Librarian.
If you checked out an item and you need it for a longer period of time, you may usually renew it. To renew an item, you can call the library, email us, or stop by the library in person. You can also renew it online by logging into the library. To do this, select the "Search the Library" link from the Library webpage. At the top-right side of the webpage, select "Sign in". Next, select "PBSC Login". Type in your Palm Beach State login credentials. You are now logged in and can view and renew your loans by clicking on your name at the top-right side of the page.
Renewals may be granted for items that are not on hold. Extensions on interlibrary loan requests may be made by speaking with a library staff member.
Items that are returned late accumulate fines that must be paid. Fines for late items are given at the following rates:
- Regular circulating books & audio books (per item): $0.10 per day
- 7-Day items (per item): $0.25 per day
- Reserve items (per item): $1.00 per hour
- Calculators (semester loan): $5.00 per day
- Calculators (3-hour loan): $1.00 per hour
- Laptop computers: $5.00 per hour
- Reserve loan e-readers (3-hour loan): $5.00 per hour
- iPads and video games: $5.00 per day
Maximum overdue fine for regular and 7-day circulating items is $10.00.
Maximum overdue fine per reserve item is $100.00.
Maximum overdue fine for scientific calculators is $30.00.
Maximum overdue fine for graphing calculators is $100.00.
Maximum overdue fine for laptops is $200.00.
Fines can be paid online through the PBSC eMarket or by using your PantherCard dollars at the Library circulation desk.
You should always contact the library first to verify your fines before paying. Failure to consult with library staff first could result in paying inaccurate or unnecessary fines.
You must have a government-issued photo ID in order to obtain a PantherCard. Acceptable forms of ID include the following:
- Driver's License
- State Identification Card
- Passport/Visa
- Permanent Residence Card
Students under the age of 18 who do not have any form of identification may have their parent/guardian complete a verification of identity for minors form in place of a photo ID. The form must be submitted with a copy of a valid photo ID from the parent/guardian.
If you are at the Lake Worth, Palm Beach Gardens, or Boca Raton campus, please visit the Bookstore to get a PantherCard. If you are at the Belle Glade or Loxahatchee campus, please visit the Security Office to get a PantherCard.
Your PantherCard is your identification showing that you are a student at Palm Beach State College. It also serves as your library card to check out materials, make copies, and print.
Additionally, your PantherCard gives you access to the Student Learning Centers on campus. You can also use it for purchases in the bookstore and cafeteria.
Printing & Copying
Computer and Internet/WWW Acceptable Use Policy
Palm Beach State College provides access to computers and the Internet/World Wide
Web for purposes directly related to education, in an environment…
- Where access to the resource is shared equitably among all Palm Beach State users.
- Which is conducive to learning.
- Which is free of illegal or malicious acts.
- Which shows respect for others through proper network etiquette.
It is not acceptable to use the College's computers, or Internet/WWW Access
- For any illegal purposes.
- To transmit information containing harassing, threatening, obscene, discriminatory, indecent, lewd, or lascivious material, whether by email or other internet resources.
- To access information containing obscene, indecent, lewd, or lascivious material.
- With a login account assigned to someone else. Forgery or attempted forgery of email messages is prohibited.
- In such a way as to interfere with or disrupt network users, services, or equipment.
- To transmit any material in violation of any U.S. or state laws or regulations, such as Copyright Law, including plagiarism.
By using this resource, you agree to comply with the statements above. Failure to comply might result in disciplinary action.
Student Code of Conduct [video]
The Library Learning Resource Center (LLRC) staff strives to provide a safe, friendly, engaging, and productive environment for all of its users. In order to be successful in this goal, the library has established the Code of Conduct. All users must respect and follow the policies listed below:
- Noise and Disruptive Behavior
Disruptive, hostile, or harassing behavior by users is strictly prohibited. Users who exhibit disruptive or disorderly behavior will be asked to leave the library, and campus security may be notified.
- Food and Beverages
Eating and drinking in the library are not allowed. Food attracts rodents and insects, and drink spills can lead to the damage of materials or equipment.
- Personal Belongings
Library staff is not responsible for personal belongings or any property left in the library. Any items or belongings found and collected by library staff are returned to campus security. Library staff reserves the right to inspect all bags, purses, brief cases, and the like.
- Children
Children under the age of 12 are prohibited from using the library, except with the permission of a faculty member/instructor, supervisor, or other College official. Campus security and administration will be notified of any minor who creates a disturbance or appears to be lost and unattended for their safety, health, and welfare.
- Internet Use
Library computer equipment serves to facilitate access to information for the purposes of teaching, learning, or conducting research. Users are subject to the Acceptable Use Policy.
- Cell Phones, Headphones, Mobile Devices, and Other Equipment
The use of any equipment (e.g. cell phones, headphones, mobile devices) that disrupts users is prohibited. Cell phones must be placed on vibrate or turned off. Phone conversations must take place outside of the library. The use of cameras and video recording devices requires permission from College administration.
- Facilities, Equipment, and Materials
Cutting, tearing, or defacing materials (e.g. books, magazines, newspapers), and tampering with furniture, computers, or other equipment is prohibited. Removing or attempting to remove library materials, equipment, or property without proper checkout or official library authorization is a violation of the Code of Conduct.
Palm Beach State College’s Student Code of Conduct is in effect in the LLRC. Users who violate this Code of Conduct will lose their library usage privileges, will be referred to the Dean of Student Services, or will have an academic hold placed on their account.
Academic misconduct including, but not limited to, unauthorized use of aids, cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, or facilitating academic dishonesty in the classroom or other college environments, as defined below:
- Taking the words or specific substance of another and either copying or paraphrasing the work without giving credit to the source.
- Submitting a term paper, examination, or other work written by someone else.
- Failure to give credit in a footnote for ideas, statements of facts, or conclusions derived by another.
- Failure to use quotation marks when quoting directly from another person, whether it is a paragraph, a sentence, or even a part thereof.
- Similar and extended paraphrasing of another.
Using unauthorized notes, study aids, or information from another student or student’s
paper on an in-class examination; altering a graded work after it has been returned,
then submitting the work for
re-grading; and allowing another person to do one’s work and to submit the work under
one’s own name, or otherwise not following the rules or instruction to gain an advantage.
Presenting data in a piece of work not gathered in accordance with guidelines defining the appropriate methods for collecting or generating data and failing to include a substantially accurate account of the method by which the data were generated or collected.
Aiding and Abetting Dishonesty
Providing material or information to another person with knowledge that these materials or information will be used improperly pursuant to Florida Statutes 877.17 (1).
Altering documents affecting academic records; forging a signature of authorization
or falsifying information on an official academic document, election form, grade report,
letter of permission, petition, or
any document designed to meet or exempt a student from an established College academic
Warning: Students may not withdraw from a class to avoid a failing grade as a result of such a violation.
American Association of Community Colleges recognizes information literacy as a core value of general education.
Palm Beach State College recognizes information literacy as an institutional learning outcome.
Palm Beach State College Library Information Literacy Mission Statement (2012; amended 2016)
The Library Information Literacy Program at Palm Beach State College supports the instructional mission of the College and its General Education program. Information literacy is one of the College's general institutional learning outcomes and is rooted in "the ability to find, evaluate, organize, and use information". This definition is consistent with educational outcomes for the State of Florida and text from the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education (2016).
The Library Information Literacy Program is an integrated, outcomes-based model of instruction that incorporates different forms of instruction at selective points in a student's academic career. The intent of the program is to achieve a tiered and coordinated approach to developing information literacy skills and a framework for lifelong learning. This approach incorporates information literacy and critical thinking with writing across the curriculum.
Specifically, the mission of the Library Information Literacy Program is to create an environment which:
- Provides formal and informal instruction to individuals and classes, and mentors research skill development in person and through distance learning
- Offers students diverse learning opportunities in a variety of settings
- Promotes the ethical use of library and information resources in all formats
- Collaborates with colleagues from all departments and disciplines to integrate information literacy into academic programs
- Evaluates the effectiveness of our methods and programs on an ongoing basis, while continually updating and reviewing our own knowledge and skills
- Assesses a student's ability to locate, evaluate, organize, and use information through formal and information library and college-wide initiatives and measurements
Faculty Resources for Information Literacy
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