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Student Success

Palm Beach State College is committed to student success

Whether your goal is to earn a degree, certificate or just to take courses for job advancement or personal improvement, Palm Beach State College has numerous free resources that can help you succeed.

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Tips for Success

  • Learn what resources the College has to offer and where they are located.

  • Set a daily schedule and stick to it.

  • Make an appointment and meet with your academic advisor often.

  • Get involved in campus activities; you will learn more about what the College has to offer, and you'll make new friends!

  • Learn how to handle stress. Attend a Stress Management Seminar.


Reasons to take "Introduction to the College Experience" (SLS 1501) course:

  • It will help you read in a way that keeps you involved, interested and focused on the subject.
  • You will increase your understanding of the text.
  • You will learn note-taking skills that will improve your understanding of the subject matter.
  • You will discover how to choose what information is important.
  • You can learn how to prepare for tests.
  • Receive assistance tailored to your individual learning needs.
  • Read and study more efficiently.
  • Organize and structure your paper or project.


Choosing Classes

  • Determine your academic strengths and shortcomings. Students who struggle in certain areas, such as reading, should avoid taking too many courses with heavy reading requirements. Try not to overload yourself with courses that challenge your academic preparation. It's better to take a few courses and succeed, rather than take too many courses and withdraw or fail.

  • Course sequences can make a difference. Research indicates students are more successful when taking sequential courses back-to-back. For example, students completing prep math should immediately enroll in the next level of math. Don't avoid advancing to the next level because you dislike the subject. If you wait, you may forget information that makes the next level easier.

  • Consider life situations and obligations. Students who work, care for a family (especially single parents), or have other obligations should consider taking fewer classes. College coursework places added stress on students. If you have recently gone through a traumatic life experience (divorce, death of a friend or family member) you may consider waiting until you are emotionally ready to deal with college-level classes.

  • Combinations of courses make a difference. Students should take into consideration the total combination of their course workload. Try to blend reading, writing and analytical courses within the same term. It is recommended students not take more than two college prep courses in the same term or take them in the express term.

  • Consider a Distance-Learning class. Distance Learning classes include Internet, television and videotaped-base classes. They involve little or no traditional classroom instruction. While they offer the convenience of flexible instruction delivery, but they are not appropriate for every student. Distance Learning students but be self-directed, self-motivated, excellent time managers and focused on completing assignments independently an on time. For more information, visit the Distance Learning website.

  • Financial planning for college pays huge dividends. Do you have the financial resources to enroll in classes? The most often-cited reason for students withdrawing from classes is the lack of finances. Have you applied for financial aid? The prevailing myth that only full time students receive financial aid is untrue. Part time students can receive state and federal aid. Consult with a financial aid counselor on your campus or visit the Palm Beach State College Financial Aid website.

  • Have you made your "major" decision? Selection of a college major should be made carefully, with thoughtful consideration. Palm Beach State College offers a wealth of services and resources to aid in making a decision, including the advisement center, career center and online resources. Career development courses are offered each term that can assist you in making a well-informed decision on college majors and careers. For more information, visit the online Career Center website.

  • Get the FACTS on an A.A. degree. Students pursuing an Associate in Arts degree should go to Florida Virtual Campus or consult with an academic advisor to determine appropriate coursework to their specific bachelors degree. Students taking courses not specified in the degree requirements of the selected four-year college or university may end up taking more than the required number of semester hours to graduate.

  • Most important: Don't take chances - see an Academic Advisor frequently! The Academic Advising staff is available to assist you with a variety of academic and educational planning issues.


Good Study Habits

  • Remember the 3:1 study rule. It is recommended that students study three hours out of class for every hour spent in class.

  • Do difficult tasks first. Hint: For procrastinators, start off with an easy, interesting aspect of a project. 

  • Get comfortable. Have a special place to study with plenty of room to work; don't be cramped. Your study time will go better if you take a few minutes at the start to straighten things up. A desk and straight-backed chair is usually best. Don't get too comfortable--a bed is a place to sleep, not to study.

  • Get it together. Have everything close at hand (book, pencils, paper, coffee, dictionary, computer, calculator, tape recorder, etc.) before you start studying. Don't spend your time jumping up and down to get things.

  • Minimize distracting noise. Some people need sound and some like silence. Find what works for you.

  • Eliminate interruptions. Culprits are family and friends. Consider a "do not disturb" sign and turning on your answering machine.

  • Set up your study environment. Lighting and temperature are important too. A 75-watt bulb is best, but not too close and placed opposite the dominant hand. Temperature is better cool than warm.

  • Give yourself a break. Study 50 minutes and then take a 10-minute break. Stretch, relax, have a snack.

  • Budget your time wisely. Allow longer, "massed" time periods for organizing relationships and concepts, outlining and writing papers. Use shorter, "spaced" time intervals for rote memorization, review, and self-testing. Use odd moments for recall/review.

  • Pace yourself. If you get tired or bored, switch task/activity, subject, or environment. Stop studying when you are no longer being productive.

  • Review, then rest. Do rote memory tasks and review, especially details, just before bedtime.

  • Find a "Study Buddy". Study with a friend. Quiz each other, compare notes and predicted test questions.

  • Stick to a timetable. Decide on a reasonable study period and plan on what will be covered during that time. Set and stick to deadlines.


Florida Virtual Campus

Florida Virtual Campus LogoFLVC is the state of Florida's official online student advising system for high school and college students, parents, teachers and counselors. Florida Virtual Campus is provided free by the Florida Department of Education to help students make informed choices about their education and potential careers.


With Florida Virtual Campus you can:

  • Determine career objectives
  • Evaluate high school progress
  • See high school course summary and grades
  • Learn more about higher education opportunities in Florida
  • Apply to colleges online
  • Choose the right major
  • Access college transcripts and grades
  • Track progress towards college graduation
  • Determine what matters in completing a Bachelor's Degree (B.A.)

Florida Virtual Campus has links to:

  • High School Planning
  • College/Career Tech Planning 
  • Career Planning
  • Admissions
  • Financial Aid
  • Transfer Services
  • College Advising Tools
  • Fees & Payments
  • Distance Learning
  • Library Services
  • Advising Manuals
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