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Steps to Creating Your Resume

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Step 6: Describe how you have used the identified skills
(Functional Resume)

Writing your action statements

Once you identify your main skill categories, show the employer how you used or acquired the skills. You can do this by developing one line phrases describing what you did, learned, or the knowledge you acquired.

Tips for describing your skills:

  • Start with the action word at or near the beginning of the line such as developed, assisted, created, etc.
  • Use the action verb list from the link below to find words that fit your accomplishments.

Action Verb List

  • Be specific and provide successful results that would interest the employer.

  • Your accomplishments do not need to be from paid work experience. You can use volunteer experience, interships, class work, hobbies, and extracurricular activities or anything that proves you have the skill.

  • A strong action statement tells the employer what you did and what results you got from your actions.

  • Do not use the following words in your action statements: I, we, they, he, she, duties.

See more examples of action statements on the next screen
