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Steps to Creating Your Resume

Home Intro to Resume Creating a Resume Resume Sample Resume Problems Cover Letters Posting Your Resume

Step 6: Describe how you have used the identified skills
(Functional Resume)

Writing your one-line phrases and accomplishments

You could include recognition from an employer

Asked to take on more responsibility:

e.g. Selected by manager to train all new employees
e.g. Chosen from a group of 10 employees as the Department Liasion

Feedback on performance:

e.g. Received the hightest ratings on my customer service evaluations

Being promoted:

e.g. Promoted to Shift Supervisor after six months of employment.


Or try the P.A.R approach, a favorite technique of author and resume writer, Yana Parker
  1. What problem existed in your workplace?
  2. What action did you take to resolve the problem?
  3. What were the results of the action?

Example below:

Problem: Last year I was the Vice President for the DECA Club. We had lost many of our members in the past year, and I was responsible for recruiting students to join DECA.

Action: I developed a marketing campaign to increase awareness. I organized outreach tables, made announcements in classes and sent out emails to publicize our event.

Result: So in this example, you would write: "Doubled club membership as a result of creating and implementing an effective marketing campaign."

