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Steps to Creating Your Resume

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Step 5: Work Experience
(Chronological Resume)

Writing Action Statements

Ask yourself the following questions about each of your jobs:

  • What skills or knowledge did you need to perform the job?
    e.g. Operated a cash register, kept inventory up-to-date, used customer service skills to keep customers happy and solve their problems.
  • What were some of your biggest achievements?
    e.g. Always sold over daily sales quote, won a sales contest, employee of the month, created web site for my employer, organized a more efficient way of handling front desk tasks.
  • What comments (written or verbal) have been made about your work?
    e.g. Frequently commended by manager on ability to learn new tasks; specifically requested by return customers on a regual basis; received excellent rating on yearly employee evaluation.
  • Personality characteristics you illustrated when performing the tasks of your job:
    e.g. Consistently paid attention to detail, quick learner, establish rapport with customers, friendly, professional appearance and manner.

