In the event I am awarded an ECE Program Scholarship, I agree to meet the following criteria:
- 18 years old or older
- Register as a Palm Beach State College Student
- Register on the Department of Children and Families website to create account for exams and training transcripts at
- Earn grade of “S” by meeting all program and course requirements
- Register and Pay for your classes before your deadline date
- Course books must be purchased from the bookstore prior to the first day of class
- Copy of Paid receipts for registered classes and books must be provided to process scholarship
- Classes must be taken at Palm Beach State College and books must be purchased at the college bookstore
By signing this agreement, I understand that I am responsible for program & course requirements. The participant will be responsible for admission, registration, and adhering to all PBSC & ECE program drop/withdrawal policies. ECE scholarship funds are only available for a limited time and are not guaranteed for the duration of your program. Any student that does not follow the agreement will be required to reimburse the college for partial or all of the scholarship funds that have been used. *Note: College admission fees are not covered by the scholarship.