Degrees & Certificates
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Palm Beach State College offers several different types of awards for its academic programs including bachelor’s and associate degrees, certificates and diplomas.
The College Catalog contains detailed information about each program of study offered by the College.
Corporate and Continuing Education courses are also offered in multiple career areas.
Securing our future. Protecting our world.
The Palm Beach State College Cybersecurity Lab offers the opportunity to get an education in Cybersecurity and research.
Legend of Degrees, and Certificates offered at PBSC
AA | Associate in Arts |
AS | Associate in Science |
BAS | Bachelor of Applied Science |
BSN | Bachelor of Science in Nursing |
Academic Program Webpages (as published in the 2018-2019 Catalog)
updated 10/28/2018
- Accounting Technology AS
- Accounting Technology CCC
- Addiction Studies CCC
- Advanced Network Infrastructure CCC
- Alternative Energy Engineering Technology CCC
- Apprenticeship CCP
- Associate in Arts (Transfer Degree)
- Automotive Service Technology CCP
- Auxiliary Law Enforcement Officer CCP
- Banking Specialist-Financial Services CCC
- Barbering CCP
- Basic Automotive Service Technology CCP
- Basic Diesel Service Technology CCP
- Biotechnology AS
- Biotechnology CCC
- Biotechnology Laboratory Specialist CCC
- Business Administration and Management CCC
- Business Administration and Management-Banking Concentration AS
- Business Administration and Management-Management, Supervision Concentration AS
- Business Administration and Management-Marketing Concentration AS
- Business Administration and Management-Risk Management and Insurance Concentration AS
- Business Entrepreneurship AS
- Business Operations CCC
- Business Specialist CCC
- 30 Hour Family Child Care Certification CCP
- Career and Technical Educator ATC
- Caring for Children-Birth to 3 Years CCP
- Child Care Center Management CCC
- Cinematography CCC
- Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Security CCC
- Computed Tomography ATC
- Computer Programming AS
- Computer Programming Specialist CCC
- Correctional Officer Cross-Over Training to FL Law Enforcement Academy
- Cosmetology CCP
- Crime Scene Technology AS
- Crime Scene Technology CCC
- Criminal Justice Academy -Law Enforcement Officer CCP
- Criminal Justice Academy-Corrections Officer CCP
- Criminal Justice Technology-General (Non-Sworn) AS
- Criminal Justice Technology-Law Enforcement Officer AS
- Dental Assisting CCP
- Dental Hygiene AS
- Diagnostic Medical Sonography AS
- Diagnostic Medical Sonography CCC
- Diesel Service Technology CCP
- Digital Animation CCC
- Directing and Producing CCC
- Early Childhood (ECPC) Professional Certification CCP
- Early Childhood Education AS
- Educator Preparation Institute
- Electrical Power Technology AS
- Emergency Management AS - Emergency Management Concentration
- Emergency Management AS - Homeland Security Concentration
- Emergency Management CCC
- Emergency Medical Services AS
- Emergency Medical Technician (EMT-B) CCC
- Engineering Technology - Advanced Technology Concentration AS
- Engineering Technology - Alternative Energy Systems AS
- Engineering Technology - Electronics Concentration AS
- Engineering Technology Support Specialist CCC
- Entrepreneurship CCC
- Environmental Science Technician CCC
- Environmental Science Technology AS
- Facials Specialty CCP
- Facilities Maintenance CCP
- Fire Officer Supervisor (Officer 1) CCC
- Fire Science Technology AS
- Firefighter CCP
- Food Service Management CCC
- Global Logistics and Supply Chain Technology CCP
- Graphic Design Support CCC
- Graphic Design Technology AS
- Graphic Design Technology-Multimedia Arts CCC
- Graphic Design Technology-Web Design CCC
- Hazardous Materials Specialist CCC
- Health Informatics Specialist CCC
- Health Information Technology AS
- Healthcare Documentation/Transcription ATD
- Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration CCP
- Heavy Equipment Mechanics CCP
- Hospitality and Tourism Management AS
- Hospitality CCC
- Human Services CCC
- Human Services-Addiction Studies AS
- Human Services-General Concentration AS
- Human Services-Youth Development Concentration AS
- Infant/Toddler CCC
- Information Management-Database Administration BAS
- Information Management-Project Management BAS
- Information Management-Security and Network Assurance BAS
- Information Technology Administration CCC
- Information Technology Technician CCC
- Insurance Claims Adjuster CCP
- Interior Design Technology AS
- Internet Services Technology AS
- Introductory 40 Hour Childcare-Birth to 5 Years CCP
- Landscape and Horticultural Professional 1 CCC
- Landscape and Horticultural Professional 2 CCC
- Landscape and Horticulture Management AS
- Landscape and Horticulture Specialist CCC
- Law Enforcement Officer Cross-Over Training to FL CMS Correctional Basic Recruit Training Program CCP
- Life/Health/Variable Annuities Agent CCP
- Logistics and Transportation Specialist CCC
- Machining Technology CCP
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging ATC
- Marketing CCC
- Massage Therapy CCP
- Medical Assisting CCP
- Medical Information Coder/Biller CCC
- Mobile Application Development CCC
- Motion Picture Post-Production Technology CCC
- Motion Picture Production Technology-Digital Animation Concentration AS
- Motion Picture Production Technology-Production Concentration AS
- Motion Picture Production Technology-Recording Arts Concentration AS
- Nails Technician CCP
- Network Infrastructure CCC
- Network Security CCC
- Network Server Administration CCC
- Networking Administrator AS
- Nursing AS
- Nursing BS
- Paralegal AS
- Paralegal ATC
- Paramedic CCC
- Patient Care Assistant CCP
- Practical Nursing CCP
- Pre-School CCC
- Programming CCC
- Project Management CPP
- Property/Casualty Agent-General Lines CCP
- Public Safety Telecommunications CCP
- Radiography AS
- Rapid Prototyping Specialist CCC
- Real Estate Sales Associate Post-Licensing CCP
- Real Estate Sales Associate CCP
- Recording Arts CCC
- Residential and Commercial Electrician CCP
- Respiratory Care AS
- School Age Professional Certification CCP
- Security Systems Technician CCP(5249)
- Supervision and Management-Entrepreneurship BAS
- Supervision and Management-General Management BAS
- Supervision and Management-Health Management BAS
- Supervision and Management-Project Management BAS
- Supply Chain Management AS
- Surgical Technology CCP