Florida Fire College to Fire Science
Students who have taken classes at the FSFC (Florida State Fire College) from a credentialed
instructor will be granted the appropriate credit hours for FFP courses that are approved
by the Palm Beach State Fire Science Program Director. The student requesting credit
for FFP classes taken at the FSFC must complete the prior learning assessment form
(click here) and present it with your FSFC certificate and transcript showing the class to the
Fire Science Director for approval. If the application is approved by the Director,
and the Dean of Health and Public Safety, it will be forwarded to the registrar for
Initiator: Student
Process: Student completes form, and gains appropriate approvals
Palm Beach State Office(s) Responsible for Processing: Fire Science Director, Dean, Registrar
Fees: None
Eligibility: Students enrolled in the Fire Science AS degree program.
Proviso(s): None