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National Council on Black American Affairs (NCBAA)

The National Council on Black American Affairs (NCBAA), an affiliate of the American

Association of Community Colleges (AACC), serves as a collaborative voice promoting the academic and professional success of African-American students, faculty, staff and administrators within community colleges.

The Palm Beach State Chapter of NCBAA, established in 1997, accomplishes this mission by providing annual scholarships and a mentoring program for students and new employees. The chapter also provides professional development and networking opportunities for college employees.



The National Council on Black American Affairs serves as a collaborative voice promoting the academic and professional success of African-American students, faculty, staff, and administrators.


The National Council on Black American Affairs is committed to the following principles:

  • Improving educational opportunities and professional development for African-American students, faculty, staff, and administrators.
  • Developing collaborative relationships with educational, business, and public service institutions with compatible goals.
  • Networking to maximize the achievement of career goals for African-American students, faculty, staff, and administrators.
  • Ensuring the articulation of positions on issues affecting African-Americans in the formulation of policy and decision-making.


The NCBAA believes in the development of full human potential, encourages lifelong learning for all people and acknowledges the worth of the individual. Therefore, NCBAA affirms its belief in the following shared values:

  • Recognizing collegial sharing of information and ideas
  • Opening access to higher education for the underserved
  • Embracing the diversity of people, ideas, and learning styles
  • Fostering teaching excellence through intellectual, social, cultural, and technological enrichment
    Forming partnerships with federal, state, and local organizations that share a similar mission, goal, or educational objective
  • Volunteering for causes, objectives, or purposes that support the Council's expressed aims
  • Acknowledging and recognizing excellence
  • Encouraging student success, teaching excellence, and positive role modeling


Membership of this organization shall consist of persons and/or organizations who are committed to the aims and purposes of Palm Beach State/NCBAA, the NCBAA and AACC.


Individual - Persons employed by, or students attending community colleges.

Associate - Persons who formerly held Palm Beach State/NCBAA individual membership or served as institutional representatives.

How To Join:

Step 1:Complete the application

Complete the online application, and someone will get back to you shortly.

Step 2: Payroll Deduction for full-time employee

Your membership will not be complete until this forms gets to the payroll office. Payroll deduction is not available for part-time employees.

Once Joined:

  • You will receive a Welcome Packet from your Executive Board.
  • You will receive a Membership Certificate suitable for framing.
  • You will have the opportunity to share your ideas and opinions with other members who share your concerns, through chapter meetings, regional workshops and Annual Convention.
  • You will become a member of a supporting team of premier organization that serves and promoting the academic and professional success of African-American students, faculty, staff and administrators within community colleges.
  • You will be a voice for this organization towards it activities and events.

If you have any questions about membership or the Membership Application form, please contact at 561-868-3441 to discuss alternatives for joining the chapter. “Now it’s time to get into the game!”

Goal #1:

To create a collegial environment that enhances African-American student access to and success in the community college.


  • Organize local student chapters of NCBAA to bolster regional activities that enhance the intellectual, cultural, social, emotional and personal development of African-American students.
  • Establish regionally determined scholarships for African-American students who demonstrate persistence toward educational-goal completion.
  • Expend regionally based one-on-one student mentoring opportunities that pair African-American students with successful role models in their local community.
  • Support student participation in intellectually challenging curricula like math, science, engineering and technology, that will prepare them for jobs in the global marketplace.
  • Establish partnerships with other organizations that share responsibility for the academic success and retention of African-American students.

Goal #2:

To strengthen relationships with policy development and funding sources to support creative initiatives for African-American students, faculty, staff, and administrators.


  • Identify local, state, national policy, and funding sources with expressed mandates that benefit African-American students, faculty, staff, or administrators to form mutually beneficial working coalitions.
  • Develop and communicate an organizational prospectus that describes the Council's organizational structure, strategic goals, and major programs.
  • Establish a program of vigorous proposal development to work external funding to support NCBAA activities.
  • Appoint a policy committee of the Council for the expressed purpose of analyzing national, state, and local policy to determine what effect these policies may have on African-American students, faculty, staff, and administrators.
  • Foster relationships with organizations that have similar aim and purpose to form coalitions for policy development and strategic change.

Goal #3:

To expand leadership participation and leadership opportunities for African-American students, faculty, staff, and administrators in community colleges.


  • Support and promote regional activities and opportunities for leadership for NCBAA members.
  • Provide linkages for NCBAA members for employment opportunities.

Goal #4:

To promote an organizational culture that supports African-Americans in community colleges.


  • Strengthen communication from National Board to local chapters to reaffirm and enhance the principle and practice of inclusion and oneness.
  • Advertise and promote NCBAA in print media to increase visibility and articulate organizational goals and objectives.
  • Develop and maintain an Internet home page.

Goal #5:

To foster an environment that encourages professional and personal development.


  • Establish a National Leadership Institute for Mid-Managers to effect a qualified pool of individuals for middle and upper management positions.
  • Support Lakin Institute for the Presidents' Roundtable.
  • Expand the scope and content of NCBAA-sponsored professional development activities, including workshops, conferences, round tables, and panel discussions to include intensive career advancement programs for faculty, staff, and administrators.
  • Enhance the technological knowledge, abilities, access, and skills for African-American students, faculty, and staff.

Palm Beach State College Chapter of the NCBAA


We, the Palm Beach State College Chapter (PBSC) of the National Council on Black American Affairs (NCBAA), an affiliate of the National Council on Black American Affairs, a council of the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) establish these bylaws consistent with the constitution of the NCBAA. The Palm Beach State NCBAA Chapter promotes the development of the full human potential, teaching excellence through intellectual, social, and cultural enrichment and it encourages the use of technology to enhance teaching and learning within the context of the Florida College System.

Article I - Name:

The name of this organization is the Palm Beach State College Chapter of the National Council on Black American Affairs.

Article II – Purpose:

The purpose of the organization shall be to:

  • Institute an organizational structure that is accessible to Black faculty, staff, and students at Palm Beach State. 
  • Initiate activities designed to articulate and address the issues and concerns of Black faculty, staff and students.
  • Promote networking and other forms of communication among constituent groups.
  • Disseminate information regarding training, staff development, and employment opportunities across the Florida College System.
  • Improve the quality of programs and services to members.

Article III – Membership:

Membership of this organization is open to all full- and part-time Palm Beach State employees who are committed to the aims and purposes of the Palm Beach State Chapter of NCBAA, the Southern Region of NCBAA, and AACC.

Full Membership

Full Membership consists of full-and part-time faculty and staff, and administrators of institutional membership in AACC. Membership is also open to trustees.


Associate Membership is open to former Palm Beach State full- time and part- time individuals, who no longer qualify for full membership.

Article IV – Eligibility for Office and Terms of Office:

Section I – Eligibility:

Membership dues must be paid in full prior to assuming office for all officers and members of the executive board.

Section II – Term of Office:

The term of office for all members of the executive board shall be one year.

Section III – Replacements:

The executive board, by majority vote, shall have the authority to appoint a replacement for all vacancies until the end of the fiscal year.

Article V – Executive Board:

Section I – Officers:

The officers of this organization shall be a President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, who will be elected by the members of the organization. The executive board shall include the elected officers and the committee chairs appointed by the executive board.  The executive board will serve as the governing body of the organization. Elected officers serve as voting members of the executive board, and the appointed committee chairs serve as non-voting advisory members of the executive board.

Section II – Duties:

A. President shall:

  1. Preside over all meetings of the organization as well as meetings of the executive board.
  2. Call meetings whenever deemed necessary.
  3. Speak for the group before the public and all public mediums.

B. 1st Vice President shall:

  1. Assume the duties of the president in his/her absence.
  2. Assist the president in any necessary administrative functions.
  3. Assume the responsibility for membership and elections.

C. 2nd Vice President shall:

  1. Assume the duties of the 1st Vice President in his/her absence.
  2. Assist the president in any necessary administrative functions.
  3. Assume the responsibility of the programs.

D. Secretary shall:

  1. Take minutes at all meetings of the organization and the executive board.
  2. Handle all vital communications of the organization.
  3. Assist in other necessary administrative duties.

E. Treasurer shall:

  1. Handle all financial details of the organization in accordance with the College Fiscal Policies, including keep an accurate record of the external bank account and organization transactions.
  2. Assist in all other necessary administrative duties.
  3. Help with information (booklets, pamphlet) which will be supplied by the state, regional and national organizations.

F. Past President shall:

  1. Assist with transition  

Article VI – Standing Committees:

Standing committees shall consist of:

  • Membership
  • Community Relations
  • Employee Mentoring
  • College Relations
  • Student Mentoring
  • Fundraising/Scholarship
  • Campus Contact
  • Hospitality

Article VII – Elections:

Section I – Election shall be held in April of each year.

Section II – All elections shall be held by secret ballot. The organization in its entirety shall elect five (5) officers to serve on the Executive Board as defined in Article V, Sections I and II. The Past President also will serve on the Executive Committee

Section III – All elections shall be publicized to members via a College medium, at least five (5) business days prior to election.

Section IV – Other election procedures will be approved by the organization.

Article VIII – Meetings:

Section I – Chapter Meetings shall be held at least once or twice per term , with meeting days and hours decided by the organization.

Section II (Called Meetings) – Special meetings may be called by the president whenever urgent business issues arise that require immediate attention. Called meetings must be publicized by a campus medium no later than one day prior to the meeting date.

Section III (Quorum) – A quorum shall be defined as 50% of the membership and/or the full Executive board. A quorum must be present to conduct business.

Article IX – Amendments:

All written amendments shall be presented in full context to the entire Membership after evaluation by the Executive Committee and shall become law with a concurring vote of 51% of the members present.

Article X – Authority of Constitution:

Section I – The constitution, after ratification, shall become the guidelines for the NCBAA Palm Beach State Chapter.

Section II – The Parliamentary Procedures for all meetings shall be Robert's Rules of Order.

Article X – Constitution:

This constitution shall become ratified upon an approval vote of a majority of all chapter members of this organization.


Contact The Team

Rhonda Boles, President, 561-862-4471,

Sherry Fletcher, 1st Vice President, 561-862-4318,

Vacant, 2nd Vice President

Josephine Carey, Secretary, 561-868-4006,

Felicia Phair, Treasurer, 561-207-533,


What Is Juneteenth?

Juneteenth (short for “June Nineteenth”) is a holiday commemorating this day, which marked the effective end of slavery in the United States.



Leonard Bruton


Ralph Harris






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