Medical Simulation at PBSC
PBSC Paramedic students and “Dr. R2” after completing a scenario using telemedicine
What is Medical Simulation?
Medical simulation is the use of computerized human patient mannequins (simulators) that can mimic medical conditions for the purpose of training first responders and health care professionals through the enactment of emergency and clinical scenarios.
Medical simulation has a long history, but the rapid technological advances of the
last decade have brought a remarkable realism to the science of simulation. So-called
"high-fidelity" human patient simulators can be programmed through wireless operation
to exhibit the signs and symptoms of virtually any medical condition with real-time
progression and response rates. Human patient simulators possess life-like features
including pulse, blood pressure, temperature, respiration rate, heart and lung sounds,
blood and urine return, glucose tolerance, the ability to sweat, drool, froth and
cry, as well as speak, respond and describe symptoms.
Center of Excellence in Medical Simulation
2016 Winner of Florida College System
Chancellor's Best Practice Award
Recognizing exemplary programs found in FCS institutions
Learn more about the 2016 winners.
About the Center
The Center of Excellence in Medical Simulation at Palm Beach State College was founded in 2009 by Jacqueline Rogers, Ed.D., Lake Worth campus dean of health sciences and public safety. In actuality, the center's roots go back 10 years to when Palm Beach State's Respiratory Care program, under Rogers' direction, was the first to use medical simulation in an educational setting in Palm Beach County.
Within the center, high-fidelity adult, pediatric and infant human patient simulators are used for training scenarios in the College's health sciences and public safety programs. This collaborative training allows students to apply what they are learning in class to real-world patient care without jeopardizing patient safety. Programs participating in the center include Nursing, Medical Assisting, Patient Care Assistant, Surgical Technology, Respiratory Care, EMT/Paramedic, Fire Science, Dental Assisting and Dental Hygiene. The center also is used for continuing education courses for health care professionals.
Read Contact magazine article, Big Man on Campus, to learn how the simulation/debriefing sessions work.
Center Facilities
Based on the Lake Worth campus, the center operates in facilities designed as hospital settings. Students come to simulation sessions as if they are on duty and have the opportunity to use a full range of medical devices, supplies and furnishings. The center uses human patient simulators manufactured by Laerdal Medical, including SimMan®, SimBabyTM, SimNewB® (newborn), SimJuniorTM (child) and SimMomTM, a full-body interactive birthing simulator. The patient simulators also are used in other locations, especially for scenarios involving multiple disciplines. Paramedic and nursing students, for example, practice transfer of care, where most medical information errors occur.
Instructors and simulator operators are present during the sessions, but observe from an adjacent room with a one-way glass window and do not intervene. The operator controls the patient simulator to ensure an accurate response, while the instructor ensures that learning outcomes are being met. Everything the students do is videotaped, annotated and time-stamped.

After every session, the instructor, operator and students assemble for a debriefing--a critical step in the process that allows participants to review what was learned and what could be done differently.
The center also integrates telemedicine into training scenarios to simulate how a physician can interact in a health care setting from a remote location. Through double robotics technology featuring an iPad on a stick on wheels, the device is operated wirelessly using a tablet or smartphone. The practitioner drives the device from the remote location and sees and speaks with patients and medical staff in real-time.
"High-fidelity simulation gives students the reality of decision making, of critical
thinking, which is what our focus is at this College. We want to be sure our students
leave here with that ability." - Jacqueline Rogers, Ed.D., Center Founder/Director and Dean, Health Sciences & Public
Safety, Lake Worth campus
Contact Info
Jason Farber
Clinical Simulation Coordinator
Phone: 561-868-3535
Campus: Lake Worth
Office: ETA 0206
Mailing Address: 4200 Congress Avenue, Lake Worth, FL 33461