To create a place of comfort, Communities of Practice move to Zoom
By Katherine Johnson
As the COVID-19 pandemic has unfolded, many child care centers in Palm Beach County have closed to protect the health and safety of children, parents and staff. This has created many weeks of insecurity and unease for child care center directors and teachers. Some were left to grapple with insecurities in paying staff, setting expectations for staff, and finding ways to support the children and families staying at home. The Palm Beach County Community of Practice (CoP) for Center Leaders has continued to meet and has increased the frequency of meetings to support the directors during this pandemic. In the weekly Zoom meetings, directors share their concerns, listen to the issues that they each are facing, and hear from the those directors who decided not to close their doors. The directors who have kept their centers open have become great sources of information and comfort, sharing their experiences, successes and resources so that other centers can reopen with the best information. The Palm Beach County Pilot Teachers CoP meets monthly to exchange strategies and alleviate common concerns and anxieties. The advice and knowledge shared reassures the groups that life during and after COVID-19 is possible.
IEECE’s curriculum manager Katherine Johnson and instructional designer Michelle Immekus
host the Palm Beach County Pilot Teachers CoP on Zoom.