ESOL Cohort Student Prepares for Graduate Courses at FAU
By Laura McCadden
IEECE Education Success manager, Laura McCadden, sat down for a conversation with Rosario Monge, a SEEK Scholarship recipient and Head Start teacher, to reflect on Monge’s educational journey and future goals.
Laura: Rosario, congratulations on your admission to FAU for early childhood education graduate courses. I remember that just a couple of years ago, you were in my EAP (English for Academic Purposes) 0388 course here at the College. Having finished your EAP courses, can you reflect and tell your fellow students about your EAP experience?
Rosario: Oh yes, I loved it – they were very good. I really liked my EAP professors, both in Lake Worth and in Boca Raton. Of course, I loved my first class with you, Miss McCadden. I learned a lot. The Learning Center was good, too – the tutors were very patient with me. Most of all, the EAP courses are held at night, which fits my hectic work schedule.
Laura: How did you feel when you finished your EAP courses?
Rosario Monge, SEEK Scholarship recipient and
future FAU student
Rosario: I was very happy and proud of myself. I took EAP courses at the College for two years, and I improved my English writing and my reading skills.
Laura: Did you access a SEEK Scholarship?
Rosario: Yes, SEEK helped a lot! I was looking for a way to pay for my courses when I first started teaching, and then SEEK came along. Teachers just don’t have a lot of money to spare. SEEK really helped. My career advisor, Christina Barone, also encouraged me to keep going!
Laura: Are you excited to start your ECE graduate courses at FAU?
Rosario: Yes, I am very excited! I told my three children, and they’re so happy and proud of me.
Laura: What advice would you give your fellow students?
Rosario: I would tell my fellow students to never be afraid. It is hard to learn a different language, but with work, they can do it. They can improve if they stick with the EAP courses.
Laura: Are you going to celebrate?
Rosario: I talked with my family and my niece, who lives in Texas, and they want to have a party for me. My family looks up to me as someone who never stops learning, is not afraid, and has goals. They say I am the vision of what they want to be! I thank you and all your co-workers at the Institute!