College Retirees Association (CRA)
As you enter the rewarding retirement years, we encourage you to join the Palm Beach State College Retirees Association. The CRA bylaws contain official reasons, but many of us participate because we have enjoyed working together and want to continue with those relationships in a relaxed setting.
Membership in CRA is open to persons who have retired from PBSC and the spouse or
domestic partner of deceased members. Complete the application form and submit it with your check for $15.00 to join in the fun of the retirement years!
The predominant purpose of CRA is to provide opportunities for its members to engage in a variety of social activities, such as special programs, luncheons, maintaining up-to-date addresses, and reacting with understanding and compassion in times of serious illness, misfortune, or tragedy among members. Other purposes of CRA are to provide opportunities for its members:
a. To continue their interest in and to interact with the College's administrators,
faculty, staff, students, and alumni
b. To volunteer their services to others in the community, especially in areas of
their expertise and experience
c. To obtain recognition and benefits from the College for members
- Two free luncheons a year with interesting guest speakers
- Annual Holiday Luncheon held in December with a nominal fee at a location to be determined
- Other social activities based upon the interests of our members
- Newsletter with interesting articles about other retirees doing interesting things
- College email address and College Retiree ID Card
- Theatre and bookstore discounts as offered to current employees
Officers, Committee Chairs & Ambassador
For more information, contact Nancy Buhl by email or phone 561-793-3802.
- Shirley Sullivan, President
- Peggy Adams-King, Vice President
- Susan Goehring, Secretary
- Nancy Buhl, Treasurer/Communications Coordinator
- Diana Krause and Karen Lippe, Newsletter Editor
Committee Chairs
- vacant, Programs
- vacant, Social
Goodwill Ambassador
- Trish Froehlich
Newsletters & College Archive
Dive into the CRA newsletter and stay updated on all news and upcoming events. | Read newsletters
Reminisce Palm Beach State by checking out the College's official archive. You'll find documents, photos, and videos spanning PBSC's exciting history.
You can also read past Emeritus Faculty Association (EFA) newsletters.