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Posting Your Resume

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The Palm Beach State
Online Career Center

Local employers can obtain a password from the Palm Beach State College Career Center to view student resumes. If you would like local employers to be able to view your resume, follow the instructions below.

  1. Create your resume as an MS Word. If your resume is currently saved as an html file, open it in MS Word and save it as a .doc.
  1. Give your document a name.
  1. Log on to the Palm Beach State College Online Career Center by going to: Choose Student Login Enter Your Student ID and your PIN.
  1. Click on "browse" and find the file where you saved your resume and click "Open".
  1. Under the heading "How to Get a Job - Resume Writing and Job Searching" select - Post Your Resume.
  1. Click on Save.
  1. Under Resumes click on Add.
  1. You will get a message that your document is Pending.
RECEIPT OF UPLOADED RESUME CONFIRMATION: You will receive an email from one of the Career Centers within 48 hours notifying you whether your resume has been approved for employers to view.
