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Tips for a Better Formatted Online Resume

Home Intro to Resume Creating a Resume Resume Sample Resume Problems Cover Letters Posting Your Resume
  • Do not use non-standard fonts. Most fonts cannot be perfectly matched between MS Word and HTML, which could possibly make your resume difficult to read. Recommended fonts are Arial, Times New Roman, Verdana, and Courier.
  • Do not use spaces or tabs for formatting a table or aligning text. This could result in misaligning the text. Use Word's alignment and indention features.
  • Images will not be preserved in the HTML view of your resume. This goes for regular images as well as bullets. They will, however, be preserved in your Word document, so job posters will still be able to see them when they download your Word document.
  • Do not surround your resume body with a frame or use columns in your resume, as this can cause problems with the formatting. Instead use standard single line boarders.
  • Do not use fancy table borders like double or dotted borders. This might not be formatted correctly. Instead use standard single line boarders.


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