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Steps to Creating Your Resume

Home Intro to Resume Creating a Resume Resume Sample Resume Problems Cover Letters Posting Your Resume
Styles of Resumes
It is important to choose the correct resume format so you can present yourself in a style that shows you are qualified for the job you are seeking.

Chronological Resume
Lists work history in reverse chronological order starting with the most recent. Your work history shows you have experience related to the type of job you are seeking.

Best used by
: individuals with a steady work record and related work experience.

Functional Resume
A functional resume emphasizes your knowledge, skills, and experience in terms of functions you have performed rather than job title. You use skill headings and list what you have done related to the skills you have chosen.

Best used by: Career changers, new graduates with little related work experience, individuals who have developed skills from other than employment, and those with unrelated jobs.

Here is an example of a chronological resume -
Jessica Student

Here is an example of a functional format -
Jerome Student

